9. News

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"Are you sure?" I asked Dakota.

"Yes." She said exasperated through the phone. " We've been at this for almost a week now. Everyone's saying the same thing."

I handed money to the hospitals lunch lady and made my way to a table. " What are they all saying, exactly?"

"Basically after Cole got shot, the Raiders have been bragging about doing it. I asked Jason for his connections on East Side. One of them is close to Javier and he admitted they even did it." She said kissing her teeth. I could hear the sound of cars rushing by her in the background. 

"They could just be saying that. You know how they are."

"That's the thing." I could hear the smile in her voice now. " Javier was in a black car, an Audi, and the tires looked worn out, according to our new friend."

"What could we possibly do to get even with them?" I sighed. This was the worst thing they had ever done.

"Thayer organized a street fight. We can beat them and then go from there."

I agreed not seeing anything else we could do. " Is Thayer now participating?" I asked sarcastically.

"It seems like it. Theo and Jacob obviously said something to get through to him."

"Remind me to buy them a beer." I said in a grateful tone.

"Will do." She chirped. The noise in the background was gone now, as I threw my trash out. "How Cole doing?"

"Better. Doctor says he might be able to go home soon." I replied, making my way back to his floor.

"Good. It's time we move on from this nightmare." I couldn't agree more with her. We talked for a few more minutes, telling her to call if there was any more news.

I sighed, grateful to know that it had been the Raiders who had done this. But I couldn't help but think about Wiz. He hadn't done anything despite his threats to us. I figured for sure that he had been the one who shot Cole. But I had been wrong for a change. He would do something eventually, that I knew. But when? That's something I didn't know.

The elevator stopped, opening up on Cole's floor that I was now to familiar with. My phone, which was in the back pocket of my jeans rang, making all the nurses give me dirty looks. I felt my anger rise as I saw who was calling. I looked around, finding an empty room and closing the door.

"What do you want?" I hissed through the phone. He had been calling non stop for days now, but I just ignored them.

"Is that any way to talk to your old man?" My dad's surprisingly sober voice came through. I don't remember the last time he was sober.

"What do you want?" I repeated. The last time I had talked to him had been five months ago, before Cole was even one of us.

"I wanted to talk about Martinez and his brother." He said. I closed my eyes, not expecting that. A huge faceless figure appeared behind my eyelids, making me open them. He had been in my nightmares when my mom had died and rarely appeared now.

"What about them?" I asked quietly.

"His brothers available for parole soon. So I imagine Martinez might be around. He's dangerous so just be cautious, okay?"

"Yea okay Dad." I said, hanging up.

I leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths. Cole being shot and now this? If Martinez is such a monster my father told me he is, I couldn't imagine how bad his brother might be. I felt a chill of unpleasantness go through me. With Cole being shot, it brought back memories of my mom being stabbed. I try to not think about it but images had been forcing its way into my mind for the past two weeks now. But now with Martinez possibly being around, I'd have to tell my crew, including Cole.

"Shit." I cursed. When Cole told me about his mom, I should've told him about mine.

Instead of dwelling I took another breath and went back into the hallway. I walked down it and opened the door to Cole's room. All the tubes and wires were now gone and his colour was now back. He was still on pain medicine and would be for awhile, but he was almost back to full health. He was even sitting up now as the door behind me closed.

"Hey babe." He winced but managed a smile for me, opening his arms. I walked into them, welcoming the warmth and his muscled arms around me. I put my arms around his neck, holding there for a few minutes.

"The doctor said I can go home tomorrow." He said, pulling me back slightly.

"Tomorrow? Isn't that a little quick? I mean you've only been here for a week and bit." I didn't want him to leave so soon. 

"My dad said the same thing. But the doctors pretty sure. He said it was the fastest he's ever seen someone recover and I must have someone watching over me." He replied, while his hands ran up and down from my hips to my waist.

"Okay." I answered, pulling him against me again. I was ready for things to go back to normal. But knowing Martinez could be close, Wiz plotting and the Raiders doing what they do, I knew normal wouldn't happen anytime soon.

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