30. Championship

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Cole's POV

"You boys are some of the finest football players that this school has had. You've worked hard, you've played hard and you've earned your way here tonight. You've made it this far so there are lscouts out there for who want to play in post secondary. You deserve this and I know for a fact that the coach in the other room is saying the same thing but that's what we all say when our team makes it this far." Coach said, causing a few chuckles from the guys. "What they haven't had this year, is the struggles that we've had as a team. We've got through them and that's what makes us a better one and that is what is going to help us win the game. I'm confident that you guys will pull through. With that said, go on out there boys and win us a championship!" He finished, causing us to cheer and whistle, making our way to the field.

The full bleachers cheered and whistle as the home team, us, came onto the field. The cheerleaders did their routine and I stood at the edge of the field, looking at the crowd. The majority of the watchers were in blue and white, our colour, the rest maroon. I didn't feel nervous with everyone watching me, I was used to crowds by now because of the competitions with The Mischiefs.

"Cole!" I heard someone yell close to me and I was surprised to see Dakota, Trish and The Twins. I jogged over to them with a smile on my face.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked. I knew they weren't fans of these types of events.

"Trish told us about your invitation. I had to come because I've always wanted to come to this type of thing," Dakota said, dressed in our school colours.

I smiled at them and placed a hand on Trish's hip. "I thought you didn't like these types of things?" I asked over the crowd. They were getting more execited because the game was about to start.

"I don't. I made the mistake of telling Dakota about our conversation and here I am," she said with an eye roll. I laughed and pressed a kiss on her forehead, "I'm happy you're here." I said and a whistle blew behind me. I gave her a last kiss and jogged to my team.

We got into defense position, the crowd   getting more louder seeing we were beginning. The opposite team, one from Southside got into their position and started the play. I glanced at the scoreboard an hour and a half later, seeing that we were both tied. The game was supposed to last two hours, so we needed to score a few more touchdowns in the next thirty minutes to win.

"Cole, we're going to switch things up," Kevin said as he took off his helmet. He had called a time out for us to strategize.

"Like what?" I asked and poured some water over my head.

"You're going to be a receiver this play and Brett's going to be QB." I looked at him like he was insane. Brett was a faster runner than I was but I had a better throwing arm and accuracy.

"Why? That's not going to work. Did you tell Brett the plan?" I argued with him. We were going to lose if he did that.

"I'm the captain and that's what we're doing," he said and glared at me. I took that as a no.

Brett came up beside Kevin and he told him the plan. Brett, who was Kevin's best friend, agreed with me that it wouldn't work. "What's going through your mind? Are you cracking under the pressure? If you do that plan we're going to lose," he said and looked at him crazy. I was surprised he was agreeing with me at all, our friendship wasn't the best.

"Fine, I was just trying to shake things up seeing that we're tied, Kevin uttered and trotted back on to the field. We followed him and went to our normal positions. Kevin yelled the words," Down, Set, Hut," and threw the ball between his legs and into my hands.

I ran away from the rusher and saw Brett far up the field, a defender, not as fast as him, trying to catch up. I threw the ball and watched it soar before landing into Brett's hands. He dodged defenders and our teammates around him tackled the opposite team as he got closer to the end field. He spun away from a few other defenders and finally stopped in the end zone.

The crowd roared and I ran to my teammates, bumping chests and head butting each other. We won! The championship was ours! My teammates lifted Brett into the air and continued cheering as I felt a pair of arms come around me. I turned to see the crowd had come onto the field to congratulate us. Trish had put her arms on me and her eyes we're bright as she looked up at me.

"We won!" I cried as she kissed me hard. I smiled into it and placed my hand on her waist. Around us, people surrounded our team and celebrated with us.

"That was amazing!" Dakota said as I stepped away from Trish. She looked excited as Trish and The Twins, who made their way through the crowd. They clapped me on the back in congratulations and I felt another tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see coach and another man beside him. He had on khakis and a polo shirt and a clip board in his hand. "This is Martin and he's a scout from Chicago. He wants to talk to you," Coach said as he dragged me away from everyone.

"You're very talented. I haven't seen a high school player throw that far in a long, long while," Martin praised and shook my hand.

"Thank you, sir."

"There's a few other people I'm looking to be apart of the team in September. You're definitely one of my top choices for a full scholarship at Chicago University." He said and I felt shocked. A scholarship!

"We'll keep in touch, Cole," he said and shook my hand again.

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