3. Dream

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I parked a car in an unfamiliar driveway, smiling as I looked up at the house. I felt a sense of home looking up at it. The walls were white and the shingles were brown, a simple house for Los Angeles. I got out of the car, my feet carrying me to the front door. The foyer was spacious, the walls white and there was a walk in closet to my left where I could see other jackets hung up.

"Trish?" Her name fell from my lips unconsciously . I couldn't control my actions, my body just did things without thinking about it.

"In here!" I heard her voice call from down the hall. My feet moved, naturally, towards her voice. I came to a living room down the hall, the walls a combination of blues. The furniture was all white, including the couch Trish was sitting on. She was looking over her shoulder, smiling brilliantly when she caught sight of me.

"How was work?" She asked as I placed a kiss on her forehead. I groaned at her words as I came around the couch, sitting beside her. "I don't want to talk about it. I want to talk about how my two girls are doing." I said as I placed my two hands on the sides of her swollen belly.

"I was feeling a little sick this morning and my feet are swollen." She said as I placed kisses on her stomach and then her cheek. I sat back, grabbing her feet from the floor and placing them on my lap. I began rubbing her feet, sighs leaving her mouth. After I finished, I kissed her repeatedly, making her laugh.

"You're so good to me." She commented as she stroked my face. I smiled down at her, kissing her once more.

"I love you." The words left my mouth, inches from Trish's. She smiled against them, " I love you too." She said. We continued to lay there, until I felt a nudge come from her stomach. I laughed as I kissed it once more. "I can't wait to meet her." I mumbled, as I looked back up at Trish.

"Me too." She hummed as she rubbed her stomach. "You're going to be a great dad." She smiled down at me.

"I'm going to teach her all about football and cars." I said with a grin, causing her to groan. "She's going to have a piece of me in her too. She'll probably stand there not understand what your talking about half the time." She chuckled.

"You're going to be a great mom too." I repeated to her. "I'm going to teach her about being a leader or maybe she'll be a natural and I won't have to do much." She shrugged her shoulders.

"We still have years of diaper changing and to get through the terrible twos and threes, before we even know." I reminded her. She gave a look of horror, causing me to laugh once more. I took her hand, tracing patterns from her elbow down to her wrist. I smiled as I saw her rings on her left finger.

"Best day of my life." I smiled as I tapped the ring. Immediately, images of her in a wedding dress and veil appeared behind my eyes.

"Mine too." She agreed, smiling back at me.

"How are the others doing?" I asked. 

"Dakota is doing her modelling thing. Theo has an art show in New York soon. The Twins garage is going well. Thayer is working at a dance studio, teaching teens how to dance." She replied, ticking them off her fingers.

"Wow." I said, not thinking of another word or words to say. She nodded her head, clearly happy for our friends. We were quiet for awhile, each absorbed thinking about them.

"I'm going to make dinner. Any requests?" I asked, standing up. She pressed her lips together, before shaking her head. I made steak with green beans and potatoes, causing Trish's mouth to drool walking into the kitchen. I laughed at her face, placing a plate in front of her.

"Your dad came by today." Trish broke the silence. My father and I were still close, as we always had been. But it was unusual for him to drop in unannounced.

"Why?" I asked, gazing at her while she chewed her food.

"He wanted to see his lovely daughter-in-law." She said with a smile. Of course he did. He loved Trish when he met her at that restaurant all those years ago. He was even more happy when we told him that we were expecting a baby.

After that, Trish and I watched movies and cuddled with each other for the rest of the night. I was just about to fall asleep on the couch with her, when I heard a loud knock at the door. I groaned quietly, hoping whoever it was wouldn't wake her up.  I padded down the carpeted hallway, swinging open the door. "May I help you?" I asked groggily, looking at the person.

It was a woman, dressed casually. She had black hair, sharp cheekbones and small lips. I blinked a few times, sure that my eyes were playing tricks on me. I had only seen this woman in pictures around the house. My dad still had a picture of the three of us together on his desk.


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