33. Proof

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Cole and I stayed on Hollywood Overlook until the sky was high in the sky. We talked about happier things, his dad and how he was doing, The Twins and their parents, who none of us have met besides Cole. We shared a few kisses that got heated quickly and ended quickly.

"I'm proud of you for telling me everything," he said and grabbed my hand as I got out of the car.

"Thank you for your encouragement." I said and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away after a few seconds, pulling me inside. The crew, who I didn't think would be awake, were huddled together. "What's up guys?" Cole asked as he set down the blanket he took for us to sit on.

They all glanced at each other. "You have to look at this," Dakota said and turned her laptop screen towards us. There was a video on the screen and she pressed play, the camera jostling around as the filmer directed the camera in the opposite direction. It refocused and we were looking down an alleyway, halfway down the alley was a black tinted car. After a few seconds, someone came into the alleyway at the opposite end where the cameraman was. It was a woman and as she came closer I recognized who she was. It was Amber, with her green dress and dark sunglasses. Behind her, seconds later, came Dakota's corvette. The camera focused on Thayer and Theo's faces for a moment before going back to Amber. She was just beginning to pass the car when the passenger window rolled down, a hand shot out and Amber fell to the ground. The cameraman, not fazed, faced the camera back on Thayer and Dakota. They both had panicked and shocked facial expressions before Dakota came to her senses and quickly hightailed it out of there. The video ended immediately afterwards with red writing on the screen.

'Drop or jail?' It read before the screen went black.

"Where the hell did you get that?" I asked. I didn't see Amber or anyone die before and I understood why Thayer was so upset when I said we would use this to our advantage.

"It was emailed to me sometime last night. The email is from an unknown username and when I hit reply it says that the user doesn't exist. But, there was another message in the email," Dakota responded and exited the video. On top of the file in small printed layers read, 'Drop out of the competitions or this goes to the police - The Raiders.'

"That's pretty cocky of them to sign it," Thayer huffed.

"What are we going to do about it?" Theo asked and rubbed sleep out of his eyes. I couldn't blame him, it was just past seven o'clock.

"Get the device they recorded it on, copies that they might have and destroy them," Paul said with a yawn.

"How? We don't know what Raider recorded it, how many copies they have or where they would keep the copies and camera," Jacob replied. It was too early to have this conversation and too early to be planning out schemes.

"We could all take a Raiders house and snoop around for copies. If we find any we destroy it," Cole answered as he kept re reading the message on the screen.

"The last time we did breaking and entering, Dakota almost got caught because of a stupid dog. I doubt they'd be stupid enough to keep the evidence in their houses now," I said. I didn't know where they would keep it or which of Raiders would or wouldn't have copies. If I were them, I wouldn't give Zeke anything to keep.

"What about school? It could be the best place to hide copies and camera," Jacob responded thoughtfully.

"They could but they're cocky enough to keep the evidence in their houses," Thayer crossed his arms.

"They're cocky but they're not stupid." I responded and scratched my head. "They may keep evidence on them in USB form."

Thayer clicked his tongue, The Twins looked at each other and the rest frowned. "We can ask Austin and them to help. They're already helping with Wiz." Cole said and brushed the hair off my face. I smiled at him for the gesture but sighed at what he said.

I knew Austin wouldn't mind helping again but I knew they had their own things they had to deal with. I would ask them but if they couldn't do anything, I wouldn't blame them. Of course, when I called him up, this time not interrupting him and Becky, he agreed. "Why don't we take care of it? The tech thing is more of our thing anyways," he said.

I looked around at my crew, they seemed surprise at Austin wanting to take care of the whole thing by themselves. "You don't have to do that, we don't mind helping. It's our mess anyways." Dakota answered and Austin chuckled.

"That's true but you guys should focus on Wiz. He's the bigger problem."

The conversation ended a while later when we all agreed to let the Kings and Queens do their thing. I didn't like the potential thought of them sparking a war between them and The Raiders. I didn't like that something wrong could happen either. But Austin and his crew were good and what they did so we had no choice but to let them handle it.

I hope you're all enjoying the second book so far!

I'm just letting you know that it might be two weeks before another update because I'm going on a trip. I hope you liked this chapter though and that there's more to come!


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