2. The Shooting

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Cole's POV ( Thirty minutes before the shooting)

As soon as Thayer opened the SUV's door he turned the radio up, obnoxiously loud, making me roll my eyes. The music should help distract me from my thoughts but like they did nothing as they wandered back to who I was thinking about. 

Trish. I felt my stomach drop. I hadn't talked to her since last night after she found out about my dad. I can't count how many times I picked up my phone to call her or text her, only to put it down again. I didn't know what I would say. I had five months to tell her and I never once did. I've been infatuated with her since the moment I laid eyes on her. After waiting five months, I'm finally able to call her mine. We've just started dating but we've been flirting back and forth for along time so it feels like we've been together a lot longer than that.

I'm going to call her when this deal is over. I'll tell her I'm sorry and I should've told her sooner but I didn't know how to. I would make it up to her and to the crew if I had to.

"Jock Boy, can you get your head out of your ass for one second? I'm attempting to have a conversation with you." Thayers rude voice disrupted my plans.

"What?" I said in an annoyed tone. Having to get these drugs for Reeker with Thayer wasn't helping my mood.

"Let me do all the talking. The last and only time you did a drug deal you got into a fight and I don't want that tonight." He said mockingly.

"Whatever dude." I said with another eye roll as I parked in the tunnel. The walls were full of graffiti and the beams holding up the tunnel looked old and rusted. A few minutes later, headlights from the opposite end of the tunnel shone as a car entered.

They parked fifty yards ahead of us before flashing the headlights, signalling us to get out. "Remember what I said." Thayer hissed as I opened the door.

The people in the car across from us got out. They were older than us, college kids. They were all white and wearing clothes along the same line. Baggy shorts or jeans, chains and snap backs. "You got the money?" One called out to us. He was taller than the rest of them, the oldest.

Thayer nodded at them and then at me. I took the huge wad of cash out of my pocket, throwing it to them. Another guy caught it, taking the rubber band off of it and started counting. When he was finished he nodded to the third guy who went around the back of the car and opened the trunk. He appeared a moment later with a black bag. He walked about halfway towards us before dropping the bag and going back to the others. I walked to where he dropped it and picked it up, walking towards Thayer again.

"Tell Reeker it's a pleasure doing business with him." The older guy smirked before they all walked back to their car. We watched them drive away before I spoke.

"You happy, I obeyed your orders?" I asked. 

"Very. Make sure we got everything." He said, taking a blunt out of his pocket. Leave it to him to make me do all the work. Grumbling under my breath, I put the bag on the hood and started going through it. Weed, Cocaine, Heroin, all the things Reeker had asked for.

 Finished, I closed the bag, hearing car tires screech behind us. I turned around, thinking it was those guys again. The car barely came to a stop as the passenger side window rolled down. I saw, thanks to the dull lights in the tunnel a gleam off something metal.

"Hit the deck, Cole!" Thayer yelled as he ducked behind my dad's SUV. But it was too late. I heard the loud sound of a gunshot before I felt a white hot piercing in my chest. They shot a few more times, hitting me in my shoulder and thigh. I dropped to the ground as I heard the screech of tires again before the sound of the engine faded.

I cried out as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't hear or see who it was, the pain taking over all my senses. Black spots appeared in front of my vision, as I tried to keep from passing out. Almost everything was a blur after that. It wasn't until I heard a speaker go on overhead did I open my eyes. 

I caught sight of Trish, my throat clogging. There was dried makeup on her cheeks and her beautiful face was contorted in pain as she looked at me. I wanted to reach out and wipe her tears away but my pain came back to me, stronger than before.

I cried out again before letting myself black out again. 

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