35. First Fight

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"I got a scholarship," I said to Trish the next day, as I played with the ends of her hair. She smiled up at me and leaned into me, her hair falling from my fingers. She pecked me on the lips softly and I smiled into the kiss.

"Congratulations," she breathed, our foreheads touching. "Is it for UCLA? The rest of us are going to the city college."

"No, it's actually for University of Chicago." I said and she leaned even farther away, her facial expression unreadable.

"What? You're leaving?" She whispered, her blue green eyes were wide. "We still have so much to do here with Wiz, The Raiders, competitions."

"I know, but Wiz and The Raiders aren't going to be a problem soon enough. For the competitions I'm going to see what's going to happen. If we win then I'll have to make a choice." By this time Trish had got out of bed and tied her hair into a bun.

"We both know that Wiz or The Raiders could come back at us if our plan doesn't work. Not to mention Martinez. After all the work we've put in with them and the competitions you're thinking about walking away?" She questioned angrily.

I rolled off of the bed we shared and grabbed my shirt off the floor, putting it on. "I think we're going to finish Wiz and I have faith in whatever Austin's plan is. We don't know where Martinez is or what he's doing and you're the one who didn't want to go after him! Competitions I'm waiting to see if we win or not," I responded and walked around the bed to her.

"We've thought that we've beaten them before and we were wrong. As for Martinez, he's the biggest threat we've ever faced which I didn't want us to go up against. For the competitions you're just waiting? As if it doesn't matter which way it goes?" Her voice started to get louder.

Thankfully we were alone. Theo and Thayer were with Royalty, The Twins were with their parents and Dakota was off somewhere.

"You may be wrong this time and okay I agree with you with Martinez. Believe me when I say I want us to win the competitions, I have another option if things don't work out." I answered and tried to grab her shoulders. She backed away, shrugging me off.

"You didn't even tell me that you were looking for scholarships! Just like you didn't tell me or any of us that your dad happens to be a cop," she rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't looking for scholarships! This guy Martin, said he had to look at a few other students around time and he would be back if he wanted me. He showed up yesterday after school and offered a scholarship. As for the dad issue, I've apologized a lot and I felt like shit for not telling you and I told you that." I tugged at my hair. This was our first real fight since we've got together.

"Why didn't you tell me that people were at least looking at you? I would've liked to have some heads up if you're going to leave."

"Everything's happened so quickly, with the gang and personally. I had to tell my dad first because I know all he's ever wanted for me was to get a football scholarship."

She was silent for a few minutes and she looked at the ground. "If you leave, what's going to happen to us?"

I breathed and shook my head. I didn't know the answer to that question. I wanted us to win the competitions and I wanted the scholarship. I wanted our relationship to work, most importantly.
"We can try the long distant thing if-"

"You and I both know that the long distant thing won't work between us. You told me that before you moved here, you wanted to try it with Melanie. But she wanted someone physically there and I want someone physically here too." I blinked, surprised that she remembered that conversation or Melanie's name.

"You're helping me with my mom, my baby, gang stuff. You can't just leave." She mumbled and continued to look at the floor.

I reached out to her and she stayed still as I pulled her to me. She didn't move as I rubbed my hands up and down her lower back. I felt like I was hugging a rock. I could feel her walls physically going back up and it pained me to know it was because of me.

"I have to go meet up with Dakota," she said and pushed out of my grip. I watched her as she quickly went into the bathroom and changed before running down the stairs. I listened as her footsteps echoed before I punched the wall.

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