22. Heartbreak

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Cole's POV

"Can you please tell me your plan?" I asked Trish as I grabbed her thigh. We were sitting across the street from a buffet place where Zeke and his new girlfriend were supposed to eat. Her silence and coldness had been killing me. I deserved it when I had pushed her about her mother but now I didn't understand why she continued to act this way.

"Don't worry about it. I know what I'm doing," she said as she looked at me. I couldn't help but notice that her beautiful eyes were dull as if the life had been sucked out of them. I wanted to push her against a wall and ask her what was wrong. I wanted to make her feel better and call her beautiful while I kissed her.

Instead, I grabbed her left hand and kissed the top of it. She gave a small smile at my actions before she turned and looked back out the window. We continued to sit there until a familiar blue Lamborghini rolled up outside the restaurant.

Zeke got out of Thayer's used to be ride as he opened the passenger door. A girl, with blonde hair got out and gave him a kiss on the cheek. They walked hand in hand into the restaurant before they came out in the front courtyard area.

"Are you going in, Taze?" Thayer's voice came through the walkie talkie. He didn't seem angry throughout the day and we all figured that he had calmed down enough.

"Not yet. I want them to get comfortable first," She answered as we continued to wait. We watched them as the waiter came and got them drinks before going to get what they had ordered. We waited a few minutes longer as we watched them talk and laugh with each other.

"I'm going in now," Trish said through the device before she opened the car door.

"Be safe," I called as she closed the car door in response. I watched her as she dashed across the crosswalk before the lights could change. She walked into the building unnoticed by Zeke and his girlfriend.

I sighed as I closed my eyes. Whatever her plan was I hope it goes accordingly. I opened my eyes as I looked to find the crew. I could see Thayer and Dakota across the street at a gas station. I saw the Twins at the back of the parking lot, leaning against their rides as they pretended to have a conversation. I spotted Theo not far from the Twins,  at a bus stop where he had lit up a blunt as he pretended to wait for the bus.

I turned my attention back towards the restaurant to see Trish come out. She was wearing a waitress uniform and she grabbed a chair as she sat down at the table with our enemy. I could see Zeke's shocked facial expression as Trish turned to the girl. I couldn't read what her lips said but I saw the girl's head as it snapped towards Zeke. He looked dumbfounded before his lips started to move quickly. The girl shook her head quickly, furiously. I watched as she made her way out of the courtyard hurriedly before she disappeared from my vision.

I sat back and laughed. Whatever Trish's plan had been, it had worked. I watched as Zeke glared at Trish before he got up, grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the restaurant. They disappeared from view as they went behind the building. I cursed.

"I'm going in." I said hurriedly into the walkie talkie. I got out of my dad's SUV and quickly made my way behind the building. I had been parked a few rows away from the front of the restaurant.

Zeke had Trish pinned against the wall, his two hands on either side of her head as he screamed at her.

"Murderer!" He roared in her face.

I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and shoved him away from her. I looked to see that she had a devastated expression on her face. Her chest was heaving and there were tears silently rolling down her cheeks.

The others rolled up behind the building as they got out of their vehicles to see what happened.

Zeke got up off the floor, his face red from tears. I hadn't realized he was crying.

"Is Zeke the tough and cocky guy, crying?" Dakota asked in a fake concerned voice. He snapped his head towards her, his tears seeming to stop for a second.

"Shut up, bitch! You have no idea what happened." He yelled at her. He looked back over my shoulder and directly at Trish.

"You! You never included me in the decision! You just went and- and," he pulled at the ends of his hair not being able to continue.

"What did you expect? After what you did to us, how would you expect me to trust you!" Trish cried from behind me.

"I would've helped the both of you! But you never gave me the chance so you murdered her!" He screamed at her as his tears resumed. The rest of us stood there, shocked at the situation. None of us knew what they were talking about.

"Fuck you Trish. Fuck all of you." Zeke said as he turned and walked back around the building.

I turned around to see that she had sunk to the ground as loud cries erupted from her. I knelt down in front of her and grabbed her chin to force her to look at me. She swatted my hand away as her cries got louder and more animalistic.

I felt my heart break as the others gathered around us. We continued to sit there and watched her all unsure of what to do and how to act. After a few minutes Dakota reached out and tentatively touched her best friend's shoulder. She didn't shake it off so Dakota pulled on her arm to get her up. She stood shakily as she continued to cry. Dakota helped her into her car and closed the door quietly behind her. She turned and looked at us, her eyes sad as we all thought the same question.

What the hell happened?

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