how dare you

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let's just get one thing straight

authors. do. not. write. just. for. you.

they put themselves in the position to be found and appreciated and spend all of their time making the most beautiful things so don't yOU DARE disrespect them by talking smack about their work on said works bc not everything revolves around what you want.

oh no!1!1! something doesn't go your way!1!1!1!

hOw DaRe sOmEoNe haVe A ThOuGhT tHaT iSnT aBoUt yOu Or HoW tO plEaSe YoU

back off and learn when to say things and how to respect people bc obviously ur parent/s didn't teach you how to be appreciative and kind.

we read everyone comment. we see them all even if we don't reply. we have feelings so please kindly deactivate.

ur opinions are wanted and so is constructive criticism but know the difference between nice, opinionated, thoughts and rude, disrespectful, disagreement.

how dare you tell someone their art isn't beautiful when you've gotten 40 chapters of gold that you love enough to put into a reading lists only to talk smack when it doesn't end how you want?

the point is, don't be a twat

okay bye

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