Chapter 16~ By You~

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•Sorry if there's mistakes. I haven't read back though this for awhile. I haven't posted a lot either. Sorry bout that! I hope you like it because this is seriously the only thing I do besides listen to BTR. <3 I'll try to write more as quickly as I can. Vote, comment, follow! Enjoy!•

*Brooke's POV*
I must be dreaming.. Imagining things. Hallucinating.. I was afraid I was going to pass out again. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them back up. He was still there. He smiled at me and his perfect hazel eyes sparkled at me. He began to walk closer to me. Once he was closer to me he grabbed my hands. I knew he was really there now. I smiled and started crying like a 3 year old. I jumped in his arms and he picked me up and swung me around. I buried my head in his neck and he held me closer.
Brooke: has it been a year already?
James: try 5 days. I got there and checked out Vegas and got a hotel and realized I hated it. I wasn't with my friends or family... Or you..
Brooke: so this was your surprise?
James: yeah. Stupid, right?..
Brooke: are you crazy?! It's amazing! I love it!
James: and I love you!
He kissed me so sweetly and suddenly it caught me completely off guard. But I just wanted to stay in that moment forever and ever. He finally released and looked at me.
Brooke: so..are you going back...?
James: Of course not! I never should've left in the first place and I'm so sorry! I love it here! And I'm never leaving any of you!
Brooke: thank God!
James: wait... We're still broken up..I forgot...
Brooke: I don't think we are. (Winks)
James: so! We're still together?
Brooke: forever and always!
James: (smiles) I love you so much!
Brooke: aww! And I love you so much!
James: I finally found one....
Brooke: found what?
James: This...
He pulled out a little black ring case and opened it. It was a promise ring.
James: I know we haven't been together too long but we've been friends forever. And we've been through a lot.
Brooke: James! I love it!
James: really? I hope so!
He slipped it on my finger then kissed my hand.
James: it looks absolutely beautiful on a beautiful girl like you.
Brooke: (blushes) stop...
James: it's true..
He walks up closer to me and puts his hands on my waist gently pulling me in. I get one of those stupid goose bump moments and I jerk a little bit.
Brooke: I have a hate love relationship with when you do that!
James: With what?
Brooke: you putting your hands on my waist, kissing me, holding me, telling me I'm beautiful. I get those stupid butterfly things in my stomach.
James: aww! What if instead you just ignore the butterflies...?
He was being so freaking flirty right now and I was about to punch him in his adorable little face. Good lord!
Brooke: James shut up!
James: (laughs) what?
Brooke: you! Stop being so flirty!
James: sorry!
He smiled at me sweetly and went behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. He put his head on my shoulder and his breath tickled my neck. I turned around giggling and looked at him. Then, as he was laughing and kicking rocks around below him, I saw a figure behind the trees. It was a man staring straight at me. I looked closer and I knew he saw me looking at him. He stepped into the street lamp light and smiled evilly at me. Then turned around and left. I fell to my knees crying. I felt James trying to pick me up.
James: hey! Brooke. Babe what's wrong? What happened?
I only said 2 words and James knew exactly what I meant.
Brooke: he's back...
*In the cab back home*
James was holding me and I was sobbing into his shirt. After I had told him we both literally sprinted to the nearest cab. He hurriedly told the cab where to go and locked the doors. Then he pulled me in and comforted me. I was shaking and sobbing. Every so often he would shush me quietly and sweetly and rock back and forth. Once the driver had arrived at James' condo we both ran inside. He locked every door and window. I sat on the couch watching him. Them I heard a loud crash from my condo. I jumped and my heart stopped. I heard Carlos, Logan, and Kendall run in from what they were doing. They all ran over to the condo.
Brooke: James, please don't leave me! Please!
I sobbed even harder begging him.
James: hey. Hey. Shhh. I'm not leaving you. I promise you. I'm staying right here with you. I'm not leaving your side. It's ok. Come on.
We went into their biggest bathroom. And I mean it was a big bathroom. He actually grabbed a package of waters and some food. He even grabbed pillows and blankets. I was thinking the safest place was this bathroom. I then heard Kendall's voice with Taylor. James opened the door and called them in. Taylor was crying and shaking. She looked at me and gave me a hug.
Kendall: blaze is over there. Looking for Brooke. Carlos and Logan are still trying to get the girls outta there.
That's when I heard Carlos and Logan shut the door and latch it shut. Then they came in the bathroom with Angelina and Octavia. We were all seated on the bathroom floor with the door locked 3 times and the lights off. I laid my head in James lap and he played with my hair. After I had fallen asleep he pulled the blanket up to me and kissed my head. The next morning I woke up in darkness. I opened my eyes and the curtains had been shut. I sat up quietly but James was already up.
James: good morning beautiful girl!
Brooke: morning!
He cuddled me closer to him and kissed me.
James: did you sleep ok baby girl?
Brooke: I guess...
James: who are you kidding? You slept awful.. Baby. I promise you. If it's the last thing I do I'm getting you somewhere safe.
Brooke: I'm not leaving you! You know he wants to kill you! I'm not going anywhere without you!
James: he wants to take you! And you'll die! I'm not losing you!
Brooke: and I'm not losing you! I'm not leaving! Where you go I go! You keep me safe! You protect me!
James: you need a real protector not me...
Brooke: I don't want a real protector! I want you!
I began to cry all over again. I put my head in my hands.
James: hey! Hey! Shhh! It's ok!
He lifted me up and wiped the tears off my face. He kissed me until I pushed him away from me.
James: baby listen to me. If you don't want me to leave you.. I won't. I'll stay with you forever. No matter what. Ok?
Brooke: I don't believe you. I know you're gonna send me off somewhere "safer".
James: Honey I want you to be safe! And I'm not doing a good job!
I sat up and held his face in my hand looking at him with tears in my eyes.
Brooke: James. You're doing better than anybody else would at protecting me. I'm not going to feel safer with anyone else except you. I want you. And only you. Forever. Please.
I was now crying on his shoulder begging him to let me stay with him. Thank God everyone else was still asleep or this would've been such a show!
James: Brooke?... Brooke.. Look at me please?
Brooke: what?
James: I'll stay with you.. But I'm calling your mom! And if she wants you home I'm not the controller of that. I don't want to leave you either brooke. But baby I want you to be safe. More than anything. I need you to be safe!

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