~Chapter 29~ Too many decisions~

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The rest of the day was really fun. But of course I had halston and James on my mind. I knew they had dated for a pretty long time, even if it was just on and off. I knew that they had it going pretty well. Not in the way you think. I hope... By the time we came back to the apartment my halston thoughts had overtaken my mind. I couldn't bare to think of James holding her in his arms the way he does me. And kissing her lips the way he does mine. It makes me doubt everything. James silently came in and sat next to me.
James: hey beautiful. Is everything alright? You've been awfully quiet these past few hours.
Brooke: I'm fine.
James: are you sure?
I simply nodded. I heard James' phone go off and my stomach turned upside down. He took out his phone and it again read halston.
Brooke: who's that?
James: Um. Logan. Why?
Brooke: just wondering. Guess I didn't realize Logan's name was spelled H-A-L-S-T-O-N.
I saw James get un-easy. He turned to me but I hopped off the couch and rolled my eyes aggravated.
James: Brooke...
Brooke: no! It's bad enough you would lie to me about who you were texting but also the fact we're on OUR special trip and you're over there texting her!
James: really...
Brooke: ok.
I ran off to the room and shut and locked the door behind me. I collapsed on my bed crying. I felt like I had been crying for hours but it had only been about 2 minutes. James came knocking on my door.
James: Brooke..listen to me.. We aren't talking about us. We're talking about getting me another job acting in something.
I rolled over and continued crying.
Brooke: then why did you lie to me?
James: because. I wanted it to be a surprise. I needed the job for money.
Brooke: why do you need money so badly?
James: that's part of the surprise. And I can't tell you or it'll be completely ruined. Brooke. Please come out. I promise nothing is going on.
I slowly opened the door and peaked out the door. I saw James standing there with those big hazel eyes staring me down. His face lit up when he saw me. I stepped out and let him wrap me up in his arms. I mumbled around about 7 sorries as did he. I felt really bad for accusing him. I just..don't trust halston.. We both curled up on the couch and put in a movie. By the end of it I was asleep on James' shoulder. He brought the blanket up to us and laid us both down. He put his arm around me and we slept soundly all night.
Halston: why don't you just drop her James. Brooke's nothing important. I mean look at her. She has no figure or any looks.
James: yeah..I know.. Nothing like what you do.
Halston: that's me.. Don't you miss it. Now you're with...her..
James: I know. Worst mistake ever.
That night I got on twitter and discovered a not so wonderful photo from the paparazzi. It was James and halston, but halston had her tongue half way down his freaking throat. I broke down in tears right away.
*End of dream*
When I woke up I had tears on my face and I was shaking. I tried not to wake James up. I went to the kitchen and splashed myself with cool water. I shut off the sink quietly and dried my face off with the towel beside me. I then slipped on my converse and went outside. The hotel was quiet considering it was 3am. I stood outside the doors thinking about my dream. I didn't even know what or who to believe anymore. As I stood outside 2 big husky guys came up to me.
Man: why hello. You lost? Come with us. We'll show you the way.
Brooke: where? To a strip club? No thanks. Bye.
Man: oh. We got us an attitude on this one.
He tried grabbing my hand but I screamed. He tried grabbing me but I continued screaming. I kicked harder than I had ever before. I screamed so loud I thought my voice was going to explode. As I screamed I saw a figure come and punch both the men causing the one to drop me. I fell and quickly passed out. When I woke up I was in the hotel room again. I had a nice pack on my head. James was sitting with his head in his hands staring at the ground. When I moved he looked at me. He hopped from the couch and approached me with a huge hug.
James: thank god your ok! Did they hurt you? Are you alright?
Brooke: I'm fine.
James: why were you out there?!
Brooke: I just.. I had a bad dream and I needed some air.
James: why didn't you get me! I would've went out there with you! I don't want you by yourself! You're way too pretty to be wondering Paris by yourself.
Brooke: I wasn't I was just standing there.
James: still.
Brooke: is halston better than me?
I didn't believe what I just said. I didn't even mean to say it. It was on my mind and it just came out. As soon as I said it I got hot again. I felt his eyes staring through me. I tried to act as if I was meaning to ask that.
James: what...?
Brooke: you heard me.
James: why on earth would I ever think halston is better than you? Of course she isn't.
Brooke: yes she is. She's pretty, a model, has this perfect body. And I'm just..
James: perfect? Beautiful? Amazing? Sweet? Kind? Everything I want?
I shook my head and looked down to the ground. I felt him put his hand under my chin rising my chin up to face him. He kept his eyes locked on mine. He shook his head and looked down. I saw he was fighting back tears. But I didn't know why.
Brooke: james.. What's wrong?
James: I tried so hard to be able to get you back. So I could see you more. And be close to you. I knew it wouldn't be perfect, but I just wanted to be able to help you so I could be with you.
Brooke: what are you talking about?
James: the reason I was trying to get an acting job is so I could get the money to help you buy a house in California.
Brooke: James...
James: halston refused...
Brooke: James listen. It's ok. I don't want you to work more to try to get me a house.
James: but I don't want to be away from you. If you get a house..
Brooke: I know, I know. But I don't want you gone more because you're working. It's ok. Really.
James: I'm still gonna try.
Brooke: you can try but you don't have to succeed.
James: I'll try to. For you.
Brooke: alright. Can we go back to bed now?
James: (laughs) of course.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch. He laid down and I rested my head on his chest. He pulled the blanket up to us and we both quickly fell asleep. The next morning I woke up before James. I went and got my phone from the counter. I had a message from another number. But, unfortunately, I knew it was halstons.
Halstons: he's back.
Brooke: who's back?
Halston: I think you know who.
Brooke: you mean...
Halston: yes. I told you it would happen and you didn't listen.
I hung up and went and sat down by James. I eventually just laid back down facing the opposite side of him. I laid there a few minutes before I felt James move over to me and wrapped his arm around me. He kissed me on the neck and slowly got up. I saw him go into the restroom and close the door. I surprisingly fell back asleep.
*James' POV*
When I walked into the bathroom I passed Brooke's phone. I saw a number light of the screen. And could've swore it was halstons. But that wouldn't make any since do to the fact they hate each other. When I walked out of the bathroom Brooke had fallen back asleep so I went over to her phone and checked the number out again. Sure enough it was halston. I unlocked her phone and read the messages. I didn't understand who "he" was. Who was he? And why was he back? Is that bad or good? I shut her phone back off and went over kissing her lightly on the forehead. I went into the kitchen and made some French toast. I turned on the radio but kept the volume down low. When Brooke woke up I barely heard her until she came over standing on her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek.
Brooke: I love it when you sing.
James: how'd you even hear me?
Brooke: I just did. Keep singing.
James: no. Now I'm embarrassed.
Brooke: why?! You're in a band and you can sing.
James: (chuckles) fine, what's playing.
Brooke: demons is on!
James: hey, your favorite song!
Brooke: yes! Sing it!
I sung along and watched Brooke's face light up with a smile. When the song ended she clapped.
Brooke: can I get an autograph?
James: where do I sigh and who do I make it out to?
Brooke: make it out to me. And sign it right here.
She again stood on her tip toes and kissed me. I kissed her back picking her up.
James: was that alright? Or do you need another autograph?
Brooke: maybe later.
I smiled and took the French toast out. I got us syrup and a glass of orange juice.
Brooke: ya know what turns me on even more?
James: what's that?
Brooke: that fact you can cook and serve me.
James: did you find a keeper?
Brooke: (winks) ehh. Maybe.
After we finished eating I took our plates and put them in the dish washer. As I walked back I saw Brooke's phone go off and I saw halstons number on it. I saw the text it just said "you know who I'm talking about. Don't think he doesn't know." I almost couldn't stand it anymore. I don't know who this "he" guy is but I swear if he's trying to steal MY girl away there's gonna be a huge issue. I wanted to say something but I didn't. Brooke came over and looked at her phone then quickly put it in her pocket. She went to her room and shut the door. I went and grabbed my phone. I texted halston.
James: why are you texting Brooke? Don't tell her I'm talking to you!
Halston: how do you know she's talking to me?
James: because I saw your number on her phone! Who's this he guy! Is he stealing Brooke away?
Halston: not exactly, no.
James: then what?! Who is he?
Halston: it's not my business to tell you. It's Brooke's.
James: since when do you talk to Brooke.
Halston: since never but..just..bye James.
I set my phone down aggravated. Brooke came out of her room and saw my aggravated face.
Brooke: what's wrong?
James: nothing. It's fine..
Brooke: I don't believe you.
James. Would you ever cheat on me?
Brooke: no! Of course not! Why?
James: I was just...
Brooke: why...? Are you cheating on ME?
James: no no no!
Brooke: then what?
James: who's him? Who is it that you and halston were talking about?
Brooke: nobody.
James: Brooke! Tell me!
Brooke: it's just one of my old friends. He became a pretty good friend after you left.
James: then why is it such a big deal?
Brooke: Because halston was convinced that you would be jealous and I wasn't sure..
James: why would I be jealous?
Brooke: I don't know.
James: you're mine. And I know that you're gonna be with with me forever.
Brooke: of course I will be.
I walked over and wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly. She hugged me back. I know I said I wasn't jealous but if what's-his-face comes..everyone's gonna learn a whole new level of jealousy..

•So whatcha think of Troy? Pretty cool? No? I don't know! So I'm gonna leave you with a hanger from chapter 30. You'll hate me but maybe then y'all will comment and really tell me whatcha think!
Brooke: no! Forget it! Go with halston! To think I thought I loved you! In reality I've always hated you! Get out of my life! We're done!
^^^^ouch. ALWAYS hated...? So what happened?? Who knows... ;) alrighty! I'll try to post chapter 30 tomorrow! Nighty night guys! <3•

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