~Chapter 33~ On my own

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•Merry Christmas Eve! If you don't celebrate christmas then have a good Tuesday!(: This is my present to you! Lucky for you, I'm all the way on chapter 37! So maybe I'll update tomorrow! Depends on christmas! Have a good day! Vote and comment! Enjoy!•

I ran through the snow and out to the busy streets of New York. That's right..I just walked out on my boyfriend and his family..2 weeks before christmas. Hey, it was better than letting blaze find us and kill them all. He can kill me. But James and his family aren't being brought into this. I walked through New York for what seemed to be hours. I didn't know where I was going. But I went with it. I took cabs and buses everywhere. When I looked at a map I realized I was a good 2 hours away from James. I decided to get a hotel. Just for this night. Then first thing in the morning I'd be out of this state for good. As I checked into a room it felt my phone go off. I realized it was James' moms number. But it said "this is James! Where are you?!" I debated whether or not to answer. I decided I would.

Brooke: I had to go.

James: why?! Are you leaving me?!

Brooke: no! We're still together! Just..I have to get away for a little while. Figure some things out on my own. I don't want to pull you in.

James: baby..please..tell me what's going on.

Brooke: I need to go. I love you.

And with that I stopped replying. But I also..started crying..

*James' POV*

I was in tears. I was pacing back and forth. She wouldn't answer. I called her. I begged her. I finally called Octavia. Panicked and worried..

Octavia: hello?

James: this is James! Where is Brooke going? She left! She won't answer me! She said she had to do something on her own!

Octavia: she left because...

James: because why?!?!

Octavia: because..blaze is trying to find her..he wasn't so fond of Troy letting her go so he's back..but she didn't want to drag you or your family in so she left..

James: she left?! She can't take blaze! He'll kill her! Why..

I broke down. I fell to the floor with my head in my hands and sobbed. I heard Octavia put Logan on the phone but I clicked end. I sobbed for what felt like days. But was only about 10 minutes. I eventually picked myself up and dried my eyes. I then walked out of the house. It was 10 o'clock and dark. The only light was Christmas lights or city lights. I didn't know where she was. But..I was planning on finding her..even if it killed me...

*Brooke's POV*

I was tired. I was cold. And I was sobbing. I was so sure I could do this. I tried to sound so brave and confident when I was on the phone with Octavia, but after I left the house I just wanted to turn back. But I couldn't. This wasn't about me and my courage. I had to think of James and his family. I can't drag James back in. And I'm definitely not dragging his family into it. I turned off the lamp by my bed and tried to get comfortable in the bed. I turned over facing the other side of the bed expecting to see James..but of course..I didn't. I sighed and rolled to my back looking at the ceiling. I cried myself to sleep..

*James POV*

It was now midnight. I was cold. I was tired. And I was still crying. I missed her. So much..I missed the way she clung onto my neck when she hugged me. And how she usually pushed me back when we kissed "too long". I missed the way her eyes slowly fall shut when she drifts to sleep. And how she always is smiling when I kiss her. I miss holding her..and just..everything..I miss her..and I want her back..

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