~Chapter 52~ Gone for good~

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•Thanks for all the positive comments on the last chapter!(: Here's this one. Sorry for mistakes. Enjoy it. Have a good night/day. Anyone who's going to hell tomorrow(school) like me. Have fun & good luck!:/•

I felt tears burn their way through my eyes. I put my hands to my mouth and shook with happiness.

James: are you gonna come hug me?!

Brooke: I don't want to hurt you!

James: it's the right arm. I'm fine other than that.

I ran over and felt his welcoming arms, or should I say arm, wrap around me. I closed my eyes and took in every second. How is he dead? What happened? I leaned back with tears still blurring my vision.

Brooke: I thought you..died.. I heard the gun shot and..

James: I don't remember what happened other then I pressed the trigger and hoped it was aiming on him not to me or you.

Brooke: why were you unconscious?

James: doctor said I lost a lot of blood from my arm. Another 15 minutes and I would've been dead.

Brooke: what about the concert tomorrow?

James: going to have to miss it. Just one though. It was a small show anyways. They won't miss me too much.

Kendall: you sure you want us to do the show without you?

James: the fans bought tickets. Only one guy will be gone. Just tell em I got in a little accident and couldn't make it.

Logan: little accident? It's not every day people get in gun fights over a girl and almost get their arm blew off.

James: always know how to lighten the mood, don't you Logie bear?

Logan: you're lucky I'm in a good mood or I would nail you in your bad arm right now.

Carlos: it wasn't the best to hear a gun shot go off by phone call.

James: it wasn't the best hearing it right by your ear either.

I hugged each of the guys and the girls each gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Taylor: we'll wait for you out here Brooke.

Brooke: no, no. You guys go ahead and head back to the tour bus or wherever. I'm staying here with danger prone boy.

Taylor: alright! Stay safe.

James: you really don't have to do that, ya know?

Brooke: why? Is there some hot little blonde nurse running around here that you want a piece of?

James: no! I'm just saying-

Brooke: it's called being a smart aleck James. Learn it.

James: if I could I'd be tickling the crap out of you right now.

Brooke: too bad you can't.

James: where you going to sleep?

Brooke: that chair.

James: that's not very comfortable.

Brooke: you did it for me when I was in the hospital. I'll do it for you. Besides I'll never sleep if I head back to the bus with an empty bed.

James: fine!

Brooke: I'll be right back. Going to get a bottle of water.

I opened the door and rode the elevator down to the vending machine. I put my money and waited for the water. When it came out I reached in and took it. I then rode the elevator back up to James' floor. As I was walking I passed a room with lots of people. I stopped and walked back looking in the room. I saw some familiar faces.

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