Chapter 19~ Her worst nightmare~

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*James' POV still*
We were both finally out of the hospital doing fine. We hadn't seen blaze in over 2 weeks and didn't care to talk about it.
James: I promise you'll come right back. I've talked to your mom and you're just going to pick up everything else you may need.
Brooke was leaving on a flight to Chicago to visit family and get the rest of her things. She was officially staying in LA.
Brooke: Alright. I trust you.
James: are you sure you want to go by yourself?
Brooke: yeah I'm fine. I'll call you and and text you as much as possible.
James: you'll only be gone 3 days right?
Brooke: that I know of, yes. I'll let you know if anything changes.
I heard the lady over the intercom announce Brooke's boarding. I hugged her tightly and kissed her sweetly.
James: I love you so much! Text me when you can!
Brooke: I love you too!
She picked up her bags as I kissed her one last time and she headed to the plane. I watched her walk inside before they closed the door. About 15 minutes later I saw the plane take off. I smiled out the window and slowly made my way back to my car and drive home. I texted her once I got home which would've been about an hour.
James- Hey beautiful girl! ;) just wanted to check in! Text me back when you can! Be safe! See you soon and I love you baby girl! <3
After about 20 minutes I started getting worried. I know she got it. I texted her 3 more times. And no reply. I reminded myself she was probably just asleep. I sat down on the couch and heard the phone ring in the kitchen. That's weird.. Usually people just call my cell. I picked it up.
James: hello?
Brooke: James!
James: Brooke?! What's wrong?
Brooke: I'm using the phone in first class! I snuck in! My phone isn't working and we're about to crash! I just wanted to say I love you! So much!
James: wait.. What?! Brooke?! Wait!! Stop! Come back!!
I heard the line go dead and I dropped the phone. I didn't know what to do! I ran outside trying to think. Nothing! It was done! I really hoped she had looked in her bag...
*Brooke's POV*
I quickly ran to my bag and slipped my phone in the waterproof bag. We were gonna drop straight into the ocean. As I opened it I noticed the necklace and my promise ring from James were there. I slipped them on and quickly wrote a note to everyone. I didn't realize why we were crashing! I ran to get a parachute but someone stopped me. It was.... Blaze. I gasped. Everyone else had jumped out.
Brooke: you!! You made us crash! You're trying to kill me!
Blaze: my plan exact. You might not die once you hit water but soon you'll either drown or get eaten by sharks.
I felt a shiver run up my spine. I hated sharks. I shook and jumped by just pictures of them. I started sobbing. I fell to the floor praying to god to let me off. I felt the plane take a sharp point downward. I sobbed harder shouting for James. As we hit water I felt bags fall on top of me and I hit my head on one of the seats. I ignored it and grabbed my own bag. I felt us sinking. The pressure of the water shattered the windows and soon I was swimming in the scariest nightmare ever. I swam out expecting to meet my doom with a shark. Just my luck! I pushed myself to the top of the plane and gasped for air. It wouldn't last long. I began to sink. I soon lost my air and everything went black. Then I jumped awake from the sound of my phone ringing. It was a dream! Oh dear god! I was panting and I couldn't breathe. I ran to the bathroom and answered my phone.
James: Brooke! Thank god you answered!
Brooke: I had the worst dream!! Blaze was the pilot and he crashed us in the ocean! And I died! And sharks.. James! I wanna come home!
James: shhh. Shh. You're ok! Everything's ok. It's not blaze. I promise. You aren't going to crash. I need you to stay calm for me, ok? You just worried me. It's ok. Go back and calm down.
Brooke: okay. I love you James.
James: I love you too.
*That night*James' phone ringing*
James: hello?
Brooke: hey!
James: Brooke! Hey! I'm so glad you called. I was starting to get worried.
Brooke: I'm sorry. I had to drive to my house and get some dinner. I arrived about an hour and a half ago.
James: how was the flight?
Brooke: after my dream, it was fine.
James: good. I'm glad. What time is it over there?
Brooke: One in the morning. Why?
James: you should get to bed hun.
Brooke: but I'm not tired..(Yawns)
James: Brooke...
Brooke: I want to talk to you though..
James: we can talk tomorrow morning. Now go to bed.
Brooke: fine.. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.
James: I love you more.
Brooke: I highly doubt that James.
James: stop stalling! We all know I love you more! So go to bed.
Brooke: fine!
She hung up and I sat down on the couch. It was only 10 o-clock here so I turned on the TV. My phone started ringing again and I picked it up.
James: hello?
Man: listen to me. I knew her. I still know her. You left her for almost 15 years! You know nothing about her. If it's so clear that you won't let me have her, then no one can. You won't see her and neither will I! I hope you made your "love" clear. Because she won't be coming back.
He hung up and I dropped my phone. I knew that voice anywhere.. The only guy that wants her for himself and only wants her to abuse her. I just want him gone! I just want blaze gone! The next morning I call Brooke but there was no answer. The whole day I got no response from her. Finally the day she was leaving she called.
Brooke: I'm so sorry! I was out the whole day with family!
James: listen to me! You can't get on that plane!
Brooke: (laughs) why not? I thought you said I was coming back with you?
James: you are! Just not this plane! I want someone to drive you!
Brooke: James.. They can't. I'm already on the plane.
James: shoot...
Brooke: why? What's wrong?
James: nothing.. it's fine. Have a good flight. I'll see you later tonight. I love you so, so, so much.
Brooke: I love you too.
I hung up and tried to stay calm. Everything was going to be ok. She was going to be fine. It was going to be alright. I hope..

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