~Chapter 59~ Fairytale moment~

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•I just had to update! This was the wedding & I knew you guys wanted it! So..omg..guys..only this chapter and the one after this left! I'll update the last chapter later today after I get home from church sometime. Well...here's the moment you've all been waiting for..it's finally here..•

I exhaled one last time before I stepped out the door. I met my father. We were still inside. All there was left to do was to walk out the big glass doors and the music would begin. My father smiled and blinked away his tears as he carefully hugged me.

"You look beautiful." He whispered.

"Thanks dad." I replied.

My mothers sister handed me my pink and white flowers and covered my face with the veil. My dad linked his arm in mine and pushed open the doors. A warm summer breeze hit me and I heard the music begin playing while everyone stood. Everything looked beautiful. The arch was decorated in white and pink flowers. The chairs were all white and had pink ribbon around them. The palm trees surrounded the area and made everything look 1000 times prettier. The walk way was covered in pink flowers. The ocean was behind everything and the waved crashed up on shore. I looked ahead and saw James standing there. He had a huge smile on his face that he couldn't seem to wipe off.

••••James' POV••••

I heard the music begin and saw everyone stand. I watched as the door opened and Brooke began down the aisle with her father. She looked absolutely beautiful. A big smile automatically lit up my face. Though I was still nervous I found myself more excited than anything. As she finally came in my reach I held out my hand. She handed Ali the flowers then took my hand. She smiled happily back at me.

"You look gorgeous." I whispered to her.

"Looking good yourself Maslow." She whispered back.

Very slowly the priest began. I found myself not being able to focus on much of what he was saying. I'd heard it all a million times. I got the drill. Be faithful. Don't abuse. Don't lie. Be there for her. Don't sleep with anyone else. All in the book of "tell me something I don't know". Finally I heard the word "vows". I straightened up. She laughed knowing I was waiting for that moment.

"Whoever wants to go first." The priest said.

"I kinda want to." She said. "I know yours will make me cry..so may as well read mine so you actually understand me."

The crowd chuckled as did I. She smiled. She slowly rose up her pink slip of paper and exhaled. I smiled and listened as she began.

"Wow. Well here we are. Have I fainted yet? Guess not. This is probably the hardest thing I've ever done..besides escaping sharks. You are the perfect man. I never would have imagined I would end up marrying my best friend. It all started with that tree and our kiss. I look back at all our moments in the past few years. Some were good..others not so good. But we always break through it. You've helped me. You've never left me. You're the reason I'm pushing on. I want to wake up in your arms and raise kids and live..forever with you. I never knew what love was until the day I met you. And I couldn't love you anymore James..you're everything I want. Everything I need. I'm ready for our life..I hope it's eternal." She finished and I found myself having to shake the tears away from my eyes. She looked up at me and I wished I could grab her and fit my lips with hers. I smiled as did she. I slowly lifted my paper and also began mine.

"Where do I start? So much has happened with us. I remember the day I saw you and the girls at the beach when you moved into your condo. I fell instantly in love. You are so unspeakably amazing. In every way. You're everything I could ever want. Without you in my life nothing would be right. I'm so thankful for this beautiful girl that I get to call mine. Waking up beside you every morning sounds awfully amazing! Starting this life I get to share with you and only you! I feel like the luckiest man on this planet! I love you more than words can be put into, Cassidy. In about 10 minutes it won't be Cassidy, but I'm not stopping baby. Nor will I stop loving you. Because..I'm now and forever..starting to love you." I looked up at her and she calmly tried to stop the tears. She carefully wiped them away making sure not to smear any of her makeup. She smiled at me and mouthed "I love you". I smiled bigger and mouthed it back at her. And again the priest began his thing. Slowly I saw my niece and another little boy come down the aisle carrying the rings. They handed mine to Brooke and hers to me.

"And now..James Maslow, do you take Brooke to be your waffley wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." I said smiling as she carefully slipped the ring on my finger.

"And do you, Brooke Cassidy, take James to be your waffley wedded husband?" The priest asked turning to brooke.

"I do." She replied. She smiled as I slipped the ring on her finger. On the inside of her ring it read "I'll love you forever". And on mine it read "I'll love you for always".

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest finally said the words I've been waiting for the whole time! I slowly pulled her to me and set my hand behind her head and the other on her waist. She comfortably rested her arms around my neck. And then it was official. I kissed her sweetly and passionately listening to the claps of everyone around us. It was final..we were married.

•Ta da!! Was it okay?? I was freaking out when I had to write their vows! I had no idea what to put!! Was it bad? Good? Great? I tried so hard to make this a descriptive and sweet chapter! Hopefully you all liked it! Please, please comment!! This is the second to last chapter and I want to know so many more of my readers!! So literally spam me with comments on these last two chapters! I will see you all later when I update chapter 60! Have a good night/morning! Love you all bunches!<3•

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