~Chapter 22~ Not too late~

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I ran back to my condo collapsing on my bed. I cried myself to sleep. If any of the guys saw me they would hard core make fun of me. I fell asleep for only about an hour but woke up very suddenly. I woke up to a gun shot sound which was in my dream. I didn't want to finish the dream to see who or what it was. I was sweating and tears were stained on my face. I ran out of the house to Brooke's. I stopped at her French doors and peeked inside. I saw her on the bed. She was still awake because I could hear her sobbing into her pillow. As I knocked on the doors she only continued to sob. It was locked and I knew she wasn't opening it. I took a pen and paper and wrote.
"Brooke, please. Me and halston aren't dating. She knew I was with you and she knew you would see the text. Then when I went to yell at her SHE kissed me. I tried to push her off. Please believe me."
I slipped it under the door. She walked over and read it, but only cried a little harder. I got closer to the door.
James: please Brooke. I promise you nothing is going on. Just open up.
She finally unlocked it but collapsed on the bed soon after. I opened the door and ran into her room scooping her up in my arms and holding her. She sobbed into my shirt and I rocked her and shushed her.
James: Brookey. Please. Do you believe me? I would never lie to you. Me and halston are not anything!
Brooke: I believe you.
James: ohh. Thank god!
Brooke: I'm so sorry!
James: it wasn't you. It was halston! And I would never do anything with halston!
Brooke: I know. I love you so much James. So much.
James: I love you so much more. Please don't ever leave me.
Brooke: I won't. As long as you stay with me.
James: forever! (Smiles)
We both stood up and I hugged her tightly. We both sat on the ground and I kissed her before she fell asleep in my lap. The next morning I woke up by myself. I looked around the room but no one was there. I got up and went to the kitchen but no one was there either. I looked everywhere but no one was anywhere. I went over to my condo. Carlos was the only one there. And he had his car keys in his hand.
James: hey Los. Where ya going? Where is everyone?
Carlos:....James..hey. What's up?
James: seriously. Where is everyone? Where's Brooke?
Carlos: no where.
James: why are you acting so weird? Tell me, now!
Carlos: James. I really wasn't supposed to. Brooke's orders.
James: where is she?! Tell me!
Carlos: ok. Ok. At about 4 in the morning Octavia found Brooke in the kitchen on the floor. She was unconscious and barely breathing. She called 911 and they took her to the hospital. Apparently when blaze and her jumped out of the plane she hit her head and she has a strong concussion.
James:...what?!... Did..she know..?
Carlos: she said that she hasn't been feeling well but she didn't want to tell anyone. She said things have been pretty crazy.
James: is she awake now?!
Carlos: she hasn't been awake since 6 this morning. The doctors don't know how long she'll be there or what she'll remember.
James: why..why wouldn't she remember?
Carlos: last night when she was going out to the kitchen she smacked her head again on the table. The concussion is 3 times as bad now.
James: oh my..ok. I'm going there.
Carlos: no! She didn't want you to know anyways!
James: why?! I'm her boyfriend! I have every right to know!
Carlos: something about. Yesterday. And what happened with halston? She didn't want you to feel bad..if..ya know..something..happened...
James: nothing's gonna happen to her!! She's fine! Now, I'm going!
Carlos: (rolls his eyes) whatever.
*At the hospital*
Carlos led me to the elevator and we rode up to the 3rd floor. Then he led me down a long hallway to the room B8. He knocked on the door and Kendall answered it trying his best to smile at me. Octavia, Angelina, and Taylor all had tears in their eyes and they all hugged me before I went to the bed. I had a stomach ache like no one would believe. I was so nervous I felt like I was gonna throw up. I was trying my best not to cry but I had that stupid lump right in the middle of my throat. I took one look at Brooke and turned away sobbing. She looked so pale and sick. Everyone came up and began hugging me.
James: I am a terrible boyfriend! All that I did is start stuff! She never got time to talk about what she needed to talk about!
Octavia: whoa! You did help her! You helped her a lot! You saved her from blaze countless of times and you always make her feel like she's worth it when she's down.
James: no. I'm terrible. I don't even deserve her...
Brooke: what are you talking about?
Everyone: Brooke!! (James turns around, tears in his eyes)
James: with everything that happened with halston..you couldn't even tell me that you didn't feel well.
Brooke: (quietly) it's ok. It wasn't you. Really...
She passed out and her heart rate dropped quickly. 3 nurses rushed in pushing us all out and shutting the door in our face.
James: no! Wait! Stop! Brooke!
Logan pulled me back into the chair holding me down.
Logan: dude. Stop. They have to help her.
James: I just want to be with her!
Logan: I know. It's ok.
A nurse walked out of the room with a blank expression on her face. Her tag said Kate. I knew it was Halston's sister. They looked almost alike.
Kate: she's asking for a James.
James: yeah?
I walked into the room and her eyes looked lifeless and she was even more pale now.
James: hey baby. You need me?
She nodded and a tear slid down her cheek. I slowly wiped it off.
James: what's wrong beautiful?
Her voice was hoarse and low when she talked.
Brooke: I'm afraid.. I don't want to die like this.. I don't want to die without you.
James: you're not gonna die baby girl. Everything's ok.
Brooke: no. I'm gonna die. I heard the nurses talking with the doctor and they said it'd be a miracle if I lived though this.
James: hunny. You just have a concussion.
Brooke: but they said that my hearts getting weaker and soon I'll go brain dead.
I had to turn away so she wouldn't see the tears start pouring from my eyes.
James: it'll be alright. Everything will be fine. Can you do something for me?
Brooke: what?
James: get some sleep. You need it.
Brooke: will you do something for me?
James: anything.
Brooke: make this all go away..
James: I would if I could baby.
Brooke: then, can you do me this? Kiss me. Just in case...it's the last..
James: well it's not gonna be the last. But of course I will.
I leaned down and kissed her. I held onto her closely feeling her lips against mine. I wanted to stay in that moment forever but I couldn't. I finally released and smiled trying not to cry.
Brooke: I love you James. Forever and always.
I slowly began to cry not being able to hide it anymore.
James: I love you too beautiful. No matter what.
I walked out tears streaming from my eyes. I asked Logan to drive me home and I cried my eyes out the whole way. When I got home I went straight to bed and cried myself to sleep.
I woke up and had 50 missed calls. One was from Brooke.
Brooke: I just wanted to tell you..that I'm dying..and I love you. So much james. You were my everything. Bye. Forever.
Another was from halston.
Halston: I guess now since your lil miss princess has died I can come back. Kisses babe!
And then the funeral home...: Brooke Cassidy's funeral will be held on July 10th 2013 at 1:00pm. Viewing hours will be from 9-11am.
*End of dream*
I woke up gasping for air and more tears pouring from my face. I tiredly got out of bed and got dressed. I wasn't hungry so I skipped breakfast. I went to my car and started it. I noticed then that blaze was standing at the end of my driveway. What?!
Blaze: here's how it goes. You're gonna go with halston and I go with Brooke. And I won't kill her.
James: how do you even know halston?
He pulled her out from behind him and she smiled at me waving.
James: I'm not letting Brooke go with you!
Blaze: you either let her and you go with lil miss floozy..
Halston: it's halston, thanks!
Blaze: whatever. Or I'll kill Brooke.
James: you can't do that!
He pushed Brooke at me and got in his car. I pushed halston into my car and followed him. When I finally got to the hospital I realized blaze was already there. I ran inside and rode up to her room. When I walked in he was standing by her bed. He was about 2 inches from cutting all her cords.
James: stop blaze! Please! I'll go with halston!
Blaze: (laughs) that's what I thought pretty boy!
Halston: yay! James is back!
She hugged onto me and began kissing my neck. I pushed her off and watched as Brooke slowly woke up. She smiled when she saw me but it disappeared when she saw halston clinging to me and blaze by her side.
blaze: I'll explain what's happening..
I walked up to him putting my hand on his shoulder and whispering in his ear.
James: you touch her or hurt her in any way and I'll kill you!
Blaze: I won't. Shut up Prince Charming.
Me and halston walked out into the lobby. I was so nervous I didn't even realize when halston almost started making out with me right there. I pushed her off and gave her a look of "what are you doing?! Are you stupid?"
*Blaze's POV*
Blaze: well hey there babe.
Brooke: what are you doing? Get away from me!
Blaze: I'm not gonna hurt you. I've changed. I'm good. I just wanted to let you know. James is forcing you to go with me. He wants to run away and live with Halston. He's in love with her. I thought I'd comfort you.
I watched as her face sunk. I almost felt bad for telling such a horrendous lie. But then I remembered it was either that.. Or this princess was dying.

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