~Chapter 36~ Not so safe~

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•2014! Yeah! Alright well! First off. I want to thank all of you for 6.3K reads! Honestly, I have no idea how I have that much. Or why, but thank you! It's insane! I realize I don't have as many as some people. Like the people who have like 52,000 but 6,000 is still a huge deal for me. There have been 4 people who have been there, given me ideas, and surprisingly realized when something was wrong and messaged me! (JamesMaslover998 , TheRusherDrea , CaliforniaGirl23, and Thatboyhenderson) You all are precious! <3 Thank you so so so so much!! Love you all! Enjoy!•

*James' POV*

After hanging up from talking to Logan, I went to the airport. I got my LA plane ticket and headed home.

*Brooke's POV*

Brooke: you told blaze where I was! You told him everything! You didn't help me!

Troy: did you get to see James?!

Brooke: yes! But am I safe?! No! And it's YOUR fault!

He rolled his eyes and pushed me against the wall. He held me against it and brought his face close to mine.

Troy: blaze will always be there. He's not leaving. You can't escape.

Brooke: I could've!! But you...you told him..

Troy: shut up. Don't cry. Just stop!

Brooke: do you know what it's like to be in love?! But not being able to love them because your ex won't leave you alone!

Troy: don't start Brooke.

I pushed him back as hard as I could. I began to walk away and then turned around.

Brooke: just tell blaze to kill me.

I walked away and got out my phone. I dialed James' number. It rang and rang and rang before he finally picked up.

Brooke: James!

James: Brooke..?

Brooke: I miss you!

James: I have to help you! Where are you?

Brooke: no. You're not helping me. I can do this.

James: Brooke..please stop this! Let me help!

Brooke: no. Just leave me..

James: Brooke! I need you! I freaking miss you! You need help! I'm worried about you! Please..

Brooke: James..baby..

James: Brooke..

Brooke: I need to go. I love you.

James: no Brooke!

I hung up and found out that I was actually in LA. I found a map and began walking to find my way back home. After about 3 hours of walking, riding, and running I entered the neighborhood. I ran down the street until I got to the house. It was 3am. I knocked on the door repeatedly. Finally, Logan answered the door. His face turned to shocked terror. I fell into his arms and cried.

Logan: Brooke...

Brooke: Logan..

Logan: where is James?

Brooke: I'm not sure.

Logan: Brooke, James is worried sick about you. You need to let him help you.

Brooke: I don't want help.

Logan: no. You WANT help, you just don't want to admit you NEED it.

*James' POV*

I sat staring at my phone forever. Until we landed that is. I pushed through the crowd of people and ran through the air port. I called a taxi and had him drive me to our neighborhood. After he dropped me off, I paid him and ran on the sidewalk to our house. I knocked on the door. Logan came and answered the door.

Logan: James..?!

James: I'm home...

Logan: I see that..

James: I'm ready to find Brooke.

Logan: well...I think that was easier than expected.

James: is she here?!

Logan: don't go to her! She's convinced that she's going to take out blaze on her own. Octavia is talking to her right now.

*Brooke's POV*

Octavia: Brooke..you can't do this. You know that. You have to let James help you. Or someone.

Brooke: I don't..

Octavia: you don't want it. We get that. But do you need it?

I looked down and let the tears roll down my cheeks. Octavia sat on the end of my bed. She hugged me tightly and handed me a tissue. She lifted up my sleeves. She closed her eyes and quickly wiped a tear away.

Brooke: I'm so sorry..

I whispered it and she nodded letting a few more tears roll down her cheeks. She hugged me again until there was a knock on the door. She got up and answered it.

*Octavia's POV*


Logan: James is here.

Octavia: what?!

Logan: James just got here.

Octavia: Brooke's not ready to see him.

Logan: James is. And so is Brooke, she just doesn't want to admit that.

Octavia: you know she's just going to see him and freak out.

Logan: yes. But I also know that James needs to see her. And so does Brooke.

Octavia: do I tell her?

Logan: no. I'll go get him.

I waited at the door until Logan came back with James. I slightly smiled at him and gave him a hug.

I opened the door and let James in. I shut the door behind him and locked it from the outside.

*Brooke's POV*

I felt my face get pale and my heart started beating faster. I jumped off the bed and backed up against the wall. I automatically began crying and so did he.

James: Brooke...

Brooke: I don't want help..

James: Brooke..just stop.

He went over to me and wiped the tears off my cheeks. He grabbed onto me and hugged me. He shut his eyes tightly and held me in his arms.

James: never..ever leave me again! Do you understand me?!

I nodded. He leaned me back and rested his forehead on mine. He slowly leaned in and kissed me longingly. I kissed him back. Slowly he leaned away.

James: you didn't push me back like you normally do.

I laughed and wiped away the remaining tears.

Brooke: I guess I just..kinda missed it..

James: missed what? My lips on yours? My hands on your waist? All of it?

Brooke: all of it.

James: of course baby girl.

Brooke: I'm gonna head to bed.

James: okay. I'll be up in a sec. We'll talk tomorrow morning.

He walked out and I began to get changed. I realized then that someone was in the closet. I stopped and backed up to the wall. Luckily I still had my tank top on.

Blaze: did you really think you could get away?

He came over and pushed me down.

Blaze: we're going.

He threw me a sweatshirt and pulled me to the car. He threw me inside and drove off. Here I go again....

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