Chicks & Chick-Fil-A

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So in science, my teacher got a lot of chicken eggs (22, to be exact?), an incubator, and this thing called a brooder to help the chicks hatch.

Anyways, 2 chicks hatched early yesterday. They were supposed to hatch tomorrow, but ayy EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM RIGHT??! Anyways, both of the chicks hatched during my science period which is awesome because I witnessed a chick birth.

Here's the first one:

Its species is called the "Americana" I think

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Its species is called the "Americana" I think. HoughkinandHalsey don't you want to name this Halsey? Anyways it looks GREAT.

But the second chick is a different story.

For some reason the second chick had troubles getting out of the egg, and we figured that it would, you know, die if it didn't hatch correctly. So my teacher had to pry it out of the egg in a way??

Here's the one that almost died:

Here's the one that almost died:

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so, yeah!

My teacher wanted a mini "birthday party" for the chicks, so she asked for volunteers to be the coordinators or whatever. Of course I didn't volunteer, but these 4 popular-ish girls volunteered in my class so they're the party coordinators for my class now.

But get this: do you know what they decided for us to eat at the chicks' birthday party?


Is that ironic or is that ironic?!

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt