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Today is my birthday!! 🎉

When I woke up this morning I got messages from my friends saying happy birthday, so if you sent me one, thank you very much!! ❤️

I had to wait a while for Nicole, the piece of absolute trash, to wake up to open the presents I got from my family, so I went in my parents' room and we watched some weird Alaskan survival competition show for about half an hour.

Then, the trash finally woke up so then we got to open our presents. From my aunt and uncle in Georgia, I got a tie-dye bracelet with my name on it and a hoodie that says Caribbean on it. I've never been to the Caribbean, but I guess they went recently and just got it for me :)

My parents got me a really really really really good-looking grey jacket with lots of huge buttons and stuff. It looked really fancy. Also, they got me an Under Armour hoodie because I outgrew my old one anyways.

And every year since 2007, since my grandparents live an hour away from DisneyWorld, they always get Nicole and I an ornament from Disney. When we were younger they used to be stuff like Minnie Mouse and Mary Poppins and stuff, but now they started to send really creative ones.

I hung it on the tree right after I got it and it looks so tacky because I never cut off the price tag and also I never edited this photo so the quality sucks BUT

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I hung it on the tree right after I got it and it looks so tacky because I never cut off the price tag and also I never edited this photo so the quality sucks BUT

on the inside you can see this glass "floating" blob, and what's holding it up are thin glass strings attached to the inside walls of the ornament!! My dad said it looked like someone sneezed out a lot of mucus and that Disney froze and preserved it with their magical powers and put it inside of an ornament. I really like the calligraphy on the outside.

The only presents I get are from my parents, my grandparents (dad's side), and my aunt and uncle in Georgia (dad's side). My dad is the youngest of five children and my mom is the youngest of six children, so I have lots of aunts and uncles and cousins but for some reason the majority of them don't really send presents or call us or anything.

On my mom's side, I can get why though because everyone except for her is back in Singapore, so it's a bit hard to find something and then ship it and getting it here on time and whatever...

But my mom's eldest sister (we call her Ah E) gave me a whopping $1000 for my birthday and Christmas...which I put in the bank because college is freaking expensive.

Later after presents, we skyped Ah E who was in Singapore. I think the time difference is 14 hours?? Anyways, she was telling us a story in which she left her apartment window open, and a pigeon flew in. She's afraid of furry animals (dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, etc.) for some reason so she flipped out and tried to get the bird out of the apartment, but she couldn't. So she went to sleep hoping that the pigeon would fly out of her window, but in the morning it was still there and bird poop was everywhere. She invited her friend over and they tried to get rid of the bird with the box.

But the funny thing was— in Singapore and I'm guessing also most Asian countries— instead of using the word "poop" when speaking English, they use "sh**" because it's not a cuss word there, I suppose. Anyways, my aunt was using that word throughout the story to describe the bird poop and it was the funniest thing on Earth!!

Basically after we opened presents and skyped my aunt, my parents took Nicole and I to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I thought it was a really good movie!! AND EDDIE REDMAYNE!! Anyways I ate too much popcorn and started getting stomach cramps towards the end of the movie but it was worth it and I regret nothing in the slightest.

Then later for dinner, we went to Sushi Sam's (praise the Lord Jesus Christ) and I got green tea strawberry-flavored boba tea (God bless) and sushi and fried rice.

And now the day is ending and I'm writing this!!

Text me because I'm always bored, and bye for now!!

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt