Fun Nights, Flume, & Pokémon

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I had a sleepover with my friends Ashlynn (ashlantis3653 ) and Hayden (Bobssss11 ) recently!

We went to the mall and played mini golf. I tied with my twin sister (InsurgentTribute ). Then after we ate Sonic at the mall and browsed through stores like Asia Life, Hot Topic, Five Below, and Miss A. We didn't buy anything though.

Also at Burlington, we played this game where a person decides the theme (ex. sporty, girly, etc.) and then you find clothes and accessories in the store that go with the theme. Then you dress up in them and you all come out and decide who fits the theme the best! It was incredibly fun, although we got a ton of weird looks from the customers (and the staff!)

One of the themes was goth.

I tried to find dark stuff in the store that would fit! I actually really liked the shirt I was wearing in that photo. It says "It Is What It Is". Of course I would wear that shirt in my size and a different outfit, though. I ended up looking more hipster than goth. :/

And the other theme was girly!

This is Ashlynn and I posing for the theme girly.

After that, we stopped at Sonic again, but not in the mall, because we left the mall, but we got milkshakes and it was after 8pm so #Deals

And sang in the car all the way home.

Then we played a lot of Five Crown. That card game is addicting and great.

But on the radio, we heard this song called "Never Be Like You" by Flume ft. Kai.

The song was absolutely fire and so powerful.

Flume was the DJ and Kai's the singer.

Anyways, Ashlynn and I stayed up until 3:30am talking in the dark. I really love doing that, because just spilling out your mind to a person in the dark at times like 3:30am really just alters the universe. Everything's different in such a peaceful, beautiful way...

Anyways, we were basically talking about what we thought about boys (ugh), drama, dreams, zombie movies, Bangtan Boys (of course), dating, music, and probably more.

At this one point Ashlynn brought up the Flume/Kai song, and she had it stuck in her head.

And I was like, "Flume is such a weird name," then I said in a fancy accent, "HELLO, my name is Flume!"

And we started going off on Flume.

"I'm Flume and I need to go to the loo!"

"I'm naming my newborn daughter Flume!"

Just funny things about Flume and the name. So then we started replacing it with song lyrics...

"Hello, it's Flume, I've been wondering if after all these years you'd like to Flume..."

"Flume by the ocean! Flume to me baby!"


One of BTS' songs, called Fire...Ashlynn and I both extremely like it.

One of the first verses in the song is, "when I wake up in my room."


And ta-da, dead of laughter.

And the next morning, we all downloaded the new Pokémon game called Pokémon Go! which is actually a catfish game that the Pokémon company made to get video game-playing hermits/nerds out of their houses to get Pokémon.


Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt