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*inhales deeply*


is the





also this book recently hit 2K total...I know that it's just about 10-20 views per chapter all added up but sTiLLL that's awesome.


my mom has been having health issues quite recently; they found blood clots in both of her lungs so please pray that she heals soon with the medicine! ❤️

my mom has also been having a really rough year, because earlier this year her brother-in-law died, and so did her mother, and also earlier this year she found out she had breast cancer (but now it hopefully won't come back...) and this news really shocked her, so just praying for her happiness would help a lot. 😇

in school we are doing a career project (which I have written about before) and we have to "hypothetically" pick the college of our dreams.

One day I hopefully want to go to an extremely good college, like Harvard or Stanford or USC or Johns Hopkins or Columbia...I'll literally probably apply to all of them lol 😅

but anyways I was going to just go with Harvard since it's very hypothetical anyways. by the way the Harvard acceptance rate is only 6%... 😖

But I believe that I can do it someday if I really work hard! Because if I really work hard then that will become a reality.

I was going to put it down until the girl sitting next to me goes, "Putting down Harvard is stupid! It's only 6%, and that's basically impossible!"

so then I got really self-conscious and was like "if I put this down and present it to my classmates, will they think weirdly of me?" because I am extremely introverted, so...?

I'm probably going to put it down anyways, because I don't care about what people think and it's one of my goals in life. :)

and I mean it's not like it's any of people's business anyways knowing all about me and my friendships and goals and achievements...

I honestly dislike it when people try to find out everything about you.

I got some news for you sweetie it's NoNe Of YoUr BuSiNeSs!!!!


also rumors are so incredibly stupid. Don't believe everything that comes out of a person's mouth; you don't always know both sides of the story!**

**that's something my mom told me so it's something to keep in mind!

also I hate it when people ask you to tone it town sometimes

I got news for you sweetie,

I do what I want

also I hate it when people just can't resolve a problem on their own.

I got news for you sweetie,

stop complaining to me and prying into what I think about it when you can solve the problem all on your own like a civilized person!!


omg this chapter turned from nice prayers and college decisions to ranting about what I hate??


That's my cue to end this chapter!

buh bye

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt