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so I don't have all my art supplies for school yet...

So my dad wanted me to get them. I still need watercolor Prismacolors.


But I was in my room, in my pajamas and horrific bed hair, watching mylifeaseva on YouTube.

and my dad comes in and goes, "Hey Ash, get ready. We're going to Denton to get your art supplies."

And at first I was like, oh, okay.

But then I was like, DENTON IS SO FAR AWAY


Sooo yay.

I'm in my dad's car, which has great, amazing lighting.

Anyways right outside where we live, they're building a bunch of restaurants and hotels and office buildings and crap.

And my dad was talking about the investment guy who's building all the crap. His name is Charles Schwab.

And I was like, "Wow! He doesn't sound incredibly rich and snooty at all!"

My dad then proceeded to imitate a snooty version of Charles Schwab.

"I'm Charles Schwab and I love money! I have more money than God!"


We just passed the new Burger Street in Roanoke, and I read out their sign which said "Now Hiring Friendly People!"

And Nicole goes, "Aww Ashley, looks like they can't hire you."



Anyways, I'm going to stop writing now.

Anyways, I'm going to stop writing now

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Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt