Mini Update 7/13/16

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I'm doing lots of Mini Updates because I don't have a full topic to write about other than my day?? Summer can get pretty boring when you're not doing anything.

I'm at the dentist and I just got my teeth cleaned. To scrape off the teeth plaque the lady used this weird hook tool thing and because plaque is near your gums she often had to poke my gums.


My gums are sensitive. They bleed every time I brush my teeth/floss so that might be a problem? The lady said to solve that I would have to brush closer to my gums.


Anyways I finished Good Morning Call's first season and I CANT WAIT FOR SEASON TWO ALTHOUGH SEASON ONE JUST DEBUTED.

What I like about it is that the show has a great, funny, romantic storyline! And at the end of each episode, the show serves a plot twist!

And recently Netflix added a lot of Japanese/Korean shows!

I'm going to volunteer at the shop place that I wrote about earlier

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I'm going to volunteer at the shop place that I wrote about earlier. Byeeee!!!

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt