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Today I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time in 200000000000000 years!!!

And my eyebrows are beautiful again. I have been blessed with thick eyebrows, so I'm actually glad I have to wax & pluck them rather than having none.

This is probably—no, definitely—a stupid question, but some boys at my school have perfect eyebrows. Better than mine. Better than anybody's, really. How?? Just how??? I have to spend money to get mine to look perfect and are theirs just naturally good??????????????????

I don't believe it.

But, if you are a person who's never gotten your eyebrows waxed, here's how it goes (at least for me.)

I get my eyebrows waxed because I have really really thick eyebrows and I don't need to fill them in to make them visible!! Also the plucking process is way too difficult for me mostly because it just takes a long time since I have a lot of hair, so??

And also, unless you've been living under a rock, waxing hurts, because it's literally hair being purely ripped out of your skin!!

So basically you go to a salon or whatever and then you lay down, and the lady (or guy I don't judge) shines a light above your face. Then she cleans off your eyebrows briefly to get rid of dirt.

Then she applies kind-of-hot wax to the first place that she's going to rip off the hair, which is usually the middle, above your nose bridge.

Then she puts this tape-like cloth on the area where she spread the wax and smooths it out for a minute, and then BOOM SHAKALAKA SHE RIPS IT OFF ALONG WITH YOUR HAIR!!

It hurts pretty bad, enough to make me tear up. Then she does this above and below your eyebrows to get that ~arch~ and definition. I think getting waxed below your eyebrows are the absolute worst because it's closer to your eye and the skin is super sensitive!!

Anyways after it's done your skin around your eyebrows is pretty red for a while, unless you hold ice to it. Then it goes away quicker.

And yeah I pretty much do this every 2-3 months to try and stay on fleek 😎😎😎

I'm watching this show called Moonshiners on the TV and basically it's about people who make moonshine illegally in the forest and sell it to people!

In the show the sellers act so incognito, like "OMG we CANT get CAUGHT!!" but if they're broadcasting this on Discovery Channel then how?? haven't?? the?? police?? arrested them?????

Which leads me to believe that this is most likely fake and that they're not selling moonshine, but actually water or something. I don't know.

That's all I have for today!!


Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt