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This happened yesterday when I was with my friend Hannah.

I was over at her house for a sleepover the night before, and the next day her mom took us to the mall.

Both of us didn't have any money; we were just looking through stores just for the fun of it.

So we were walking in the mall and I saw Journey's, which is primarily a shoe store but they have backpacks and hoodies and posters and other things. But they're not lame; the store is actually really cool and they have Converse and Vans with designs and stuff. I think they have a couple anime themed things...but anyways, the store was really cool in general! I've never actually set foot in the store before, but now that it was here I wanted to check it out.

So I asked Hannah, "Hey look, there's Journey's. Do you wanna go in?"

"Sure," she replied. And we went inside.

There was a saleslady wearing a red hoodie and a backwards cap near the entrance.

"Yo! Welcome to Journey's, can I help you guys with anything?" Red Hoodie exclaimed.

"No, thanks," Hannah replied, "We're just looking around." Red Hoodie nodded and walked off to another family who was trying on Converse.

Hannah and I made our way towards a small Converse rack (we are both fans of Converse and we were wearing Converse that day). I looked at the Converse shoes and I looked down at my old Converse that I was wearing. The Converse I wear right now have really been overused. I've had them for a year and they're kinda dirty at the moment.

"Man," I said, looking over the shoes, "I need some new Converse sometime. These shoes look really nice."

"Yeah," Hannah nodded in agreement, "Me too!"

"Is you guys lookin' for Converse?" a voice popped up behind us. The voice made its way in front of us and it turned out to belong to Red Hoodie. "I'll have you know that we have a wall of Converse over here—" she gestured to the left, "and over there!" she pointed to the right.

"Um, thanks..." Hannah muttered. We made our way over to the right side of the store where a wall of Converse was. It was kind of weird that Red Hoodie was eavesdropping on us, but we didn't really pay attention to that.

"Ooh, look at these!" I exclaimed, holding up a pair of Wonder Woman Converse and then putting them back on the shelf.

"No, look at these," Hannah said, holding up a pair of Converse that had a blue galaxy/cloudy design on them. "I should come back to buy these one day!"

"You like that pair?" a voice pipped up from the side of us. A lady with dark frizzy hair and caked on makeup with a Journey's name tag grinned a little too widely at us.

"They're, uh, they look nice...thank—" Hannah said, beginning to put the shoes back on the shelf, but Cake Face snatched it from her hands and looked at Hannah up and down.

"You look like a size eight! I'll be right back!" Cake Face said, going to the back of the store.

(Hannah isn't even a size eight...not even close.)

At this point, Hannah and I were kind of confused...because Hannah just said that she liked the shoes and the Cake Face assumed that she just wanted to try them on.

"We should make a run for it out of the store before she comes back!" Hannah suggested.

So we slowly made our way to the door, very very very slowly...

"Girls! There you are!" Cake Face jogged over to us with boxes of the pretty shoes Hannah was looking at. She grabbed Hannah's hand and dragged her towards a bunch of chairs in the middle of the store.

"Hannah, just try one shoe on, don't even tie it...I have something to get out of here...ask me what the time is and I'll say that we have to meet someone." I whispered.

Hannah put on the shoe quickly and Cake Face kept grinning.

"It looks soooooooooo good on you! Do you like it?" she gushed.

"Uhm, I guess it looks cute...Ashley, what time is it?" Hannah said.

I pretended to check my phone.

"Oh shoot, we have to go meet somebody! Hannah, put your shoe back on..." I said. Hannah got her shoe back on and threw the pretty shoe back into the box.

"You guys have to go? It's okay, I'll ring it up for you super quick!" Cake Face exclaimed, bringing the box up to the cash register. We literally chased after her, running up to the counter.

"No, we're not buying anythin—" Hannah started.

"Credit, debit, or cash?" Cake Face asked.

That was when we ran out of the store.

But literally—Hannah only said that she liked the way the shoe looked. That is not the equivalent to "I want to try it on!" or "I want to buy the shoes!"

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt