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Ahah I had Spanish class today. I'm getting better at Spanish so yaaaaaaay :)

I'm watching MatchGame with my dad right now! But also on my phone!

Today was so long and dramatic ugh. Well, not dramatic but just annoying. The one being dramatic is me to be honest :P

Awwh MatchGame just ended haha.

We have a ton of projects in school (more like 2 but ehhhhh) but they're due in like a week so ehh?

Oh! Today we were supposed to work in table groups for class on this packet, but my table would not work and just talked instead?? We weren't on the same page (see whAT I DID THERE!) at all! I asked them, "Hey, why don't we work together? We will get done quicker, plus it will be better to understand."

and this boy responded with,

"Sorry if you're lost, but it's not really my problem."

uM boi the only thing lost in this situation was my respect for you ???

Haha. I wish people weren't like that sometimes, but there's really nothing I can do about it in certain situations. Oh well 💗✨

I recently came back from tennis practice and my feet are soooooooooooo sore. I think I need new tennis shoes or I need to loosen them because I get callouses on the area below the big toe and when I practice in those shoes those callouses get suuuper bad. It hurts to walk and if I press on it, it hurts real bad. Sometimes the skin peels away (ew I know I know).

The last time I got new tennis shoes was this past summer maybe?? I don't actually remember!

It's not like I need a new size though. My feet and hands are reeeeeaaaally small. I compared them to my friend's hands at school and his were super huge compared to mine although his were normal!! I have baby hands rip.


Remember the first chapters of this book with flag football and fracturing my finger a bit?? YEAH THAT SEASON IN PE IS STARTING AGAIN!!

Good night 🌚🌙✨

Basically, Me. [Mid 2016 - Early 2017]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt