Chapter 13

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"You say that now," Luke began. "But I bet you in three months, things between you two will be much different than what you have in mind. I heard you defending him. There's definitely something there already. In no time you guys will be hopelessly in love,"

"Oh no they fùcking won't," I heard a deep voice growl from the doorway.


My breath hitched in my throat as I heard the angry tone is Ashton's voice.

I turned my head to meet his gaze, his eyes were burning as he glared at Luke and I. Ashton never failed to be absolutely terrifying.

"Ashton, chill out man, you need to let Evie think for herself sometimes," Luke defended me, looking nervous.

"So you want me to just sit around while she messes around with some creep? He's probably catfishing her anyways, and I won't stand for it!" Ashton exclaimed, his voice growing louder with each word he spoke.

"Ashton, Michael and I are just friends! All we do is text and skype sometimes, it isn't that big of a deal! Luke was just being Luke, we aren't actually going to end up falling in love like he suggested," I said nervously, scared Ashton was going to freak out even more.

"Yeah sure, like I'm gonna believe that," Ashton scoffed. "You won't be talking to him anymore, and if I find you guys talking again, I'm not gonna be happy," Ashton threatened.

I felt my face flame in anger, who does Ashton think he is? I'm not three years old, I'm seventeen, and I can talk to whoever I want.

Just as I was about to yell back at him, Luke began to speak.

"Ashton, you need to let her have some freedom! Stop being a dick!" Luke screamed, running his hands through his hair. "Look what you're doing! You're ruining your relationship with your own sister just because she's friends with some guy! When are you ever going to learn?"

Ashton just laughed, a devious smirk spreading across his face. He looked smug all of a sudden, as if he had some sort of power of Luke.

"I wouldn't push it Luke, you wouldn't want me telling her anything, would you?" He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

This caused Luke's eyes to widen, and he stood up from his spot on the couch quickly.

"So now you're going I blackmail me, huh?" He yelled a little too loudly.

"Tell me what?" I yelled, looking over at Luke.

He avoided my gaze at all costs, keeping his eyes on my fuming brother.

"Evie, there's something Luke has been hiding fro-" Ashton began, until Luke crossed the room and pinned him against the wall.

"Guys, stop!" I screamed, rushing over to try and stop them, but to no avail.

I felt useless as I watched the violent exchange between the boys in front of me. I hated when they fought, they were supposed to be best friends, and I would hate for something petty to ruin that.

Within a few seconds, our parents came rushing into the room.

"What is going on in here?" My mom exclaimed as my dad broke up the fight.

Luke struggled in my father's grip, trying to get in another hit. Ashton simply leaned on the wall, breathing heavily.

"Luke, what were you thinking?" Liz yelled angrily.

"We're going home," Andy said sternly, grabbing onto Luke's arm harshly.

I simply watched the exchange in front of me wordlessly. Our parents were yelling, demanding to know what was going on. Ashton and Luke were yelling and swearing as well, blood dripping down both of their faces.

I had witnessed way too many fights in the past few weeks.

As angry as I was with Ashton at the moment, my mind was consumed with a single thought.

What was Luke hiding from me? Whatever it was, he obviously didn't want me to find out, which worried me.

Before I knew it, Luke was being ushered out the door by Liz and Andy, I wanted to call for him, to comfort him. I feel horrible about what just happened. Yes, Luke initiated the fight, but Ashton pushed him too far. It's not like Ashton wouldn't have gone in for the first hit anyways.

But instead of going after Luke, I sat motionless, not saying a word. I felt useless since I couldn't have stopped that all from happening, but there wasn't much I could have done to stop the two hormonal boys, who are also much stronger than me.

I was broken out of my trance suddenly, as yelling occurred once again.

"What the hell was that? You guys just ruined a perfectly nice dinner!" My mom yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Ashton and I.

"It's Evie's fault for sneaking around!" Ashton yelled.

My mouth dropped in astonishment.

"Sneaking around?" I yelled. "Since when has being friends with someone that you may not approve of, sneaking around? You're my brother, Ashton, not my boyfriend or something! Stop acting like you own me!"

"You knew I wouldn't want you talking to him! That's why you never told me about him!" Ashton yelled back.

"Well I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to inform you of every single person I talk to!" I retorted, growing angrier by the second. I was growing tired of Ashton being obnoxious.

Ashton didn't reply to this, he simply stormed off towards the stairs.

No one spoke, until Ashton stopped halfway up the stairs. He turned his head slightly to look at me, disgust washing over his features.

"Fúck you, Evangeline," he said, spitting my name.

My mother's jaw dropped, before she began following Ashton up the stairs, surely planning to lecture him.

He really had it coming after everything that just went down.

I was now left with my dad, who had always been the more reasonable parent out of the two.

He patted my back, giving me a knowing smile.

"Don't let him get to you, Evie. He does it because he loves you, you know that, right?"

I meekly nodded my head.

"I think we might need to get him some help though," I whispered, saying exactly what everyone had been thinking lately.

My father's eyes lowered, and a frown spread across his face.

"I think you're right," he said sadly. "His anger has gotten out of control,"

Just then, we heard more yelling from upstairs.

Sorry this chapter is short, but I'm doing a double update so it's alright! This chapter didn't turn out like I wanted it to, but whatever. Anyways, if you're reading is, bless ur soul.

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