Chapter 22

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Luke's POV

I watched in slight disgust as Michael was ogling at Evie from across the booth. That was my Evie he was staring at.

Well, she's technically not mine, not yet at least.

In my mind she is though, I love her, and I have for the past year or so, and she hasn't even noticed yet. I've always been afraid that I've been acting too obvious about it, but apparently she's oblivious to everything.

She probably doesn't even know that Michael loves her, and by the way he's been staring at her ever since they locked eyes from across the airport, it's blatantly obvious.

I love Michael, and I'm glad he's here, but I can't have him making the first move before I do.

I've been planning on telling Evie for awhile, but I'm way too nervous, and I don't want things to ever be awkward between us. For now, we were just close friends, and I guess I'm okay with that. Hopefully, we'll eventually be more, but I have to wait until the timing is right.

"So Luke, does band practice tomorrow night sound alright to you?" Calum asked, breaking me from my Evie induced trance.

"Oh uh yeah, sure," I said, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. Calum raised his eyebrows, silently asking if something was wrong. I shrugged him off, deciding not to involve anyone else in my inner struggles with love.

"Michael, you should come," I suggested.

Michael's face lit up, and he nodded quickly, looking enthralled. "I'd love to, I really wanna hear how you guys are,"

"Don't get your hopes up, due to Mr. "I can play guitar and sing" over here, we kinda suck," Ashton dead panned, motioning towards me.

I narrowed my eyes, getting sick of people always calling me out for that. It wasn't my fault that I wasn't very coordinated.

"For your information, Ashton-" I began, but was cut off by Evie.

"Guys don't even start with this," she said, groaning adorably.

All I wanted to do right now was lean across the table and kiss her delightfully plump lips, but I had to control my urges. I can't scare her off, I need to continue playing it cool.

"Michael, don't you play guitar?" Calum asked.

"Yeah I do actually, I'm not that good though," Michael replied awkwardly.

"Mikey you're amazing, stop spitting lies," Evie said, whacking his arm lightly, causing him to blush.

Ugh, so she calls him Mikey now.

"No, I'm really not I just-" he spluttered.

"He's great, let him join you guys," Evie cut him off.

He shot her a look, and she smiled brightly back at him. I wish she was smiling at me instead of him.

As they continued their conversation, I couldn't help but get sidetracked by the beautiful girl sat in front of me.

I couldn't deny the obvious chemistry between her and Michael, and it was killing me more and more by the second. If I didn't act fast, they were probably going to end up falling for each other, if they hadn't already.

The wheels began turning in my head, as I began planning my next actions.

Evie's POV

We were now in the car, all of us feeling full and content due to our previous meal. Having dinner with all of us together definitely helped lighten the mood, and we were now all feeling comfortable with each other, and joking around like Michael had been with us our whole lives.

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