Chapter 29

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It wasn't until we heard an angry voice yell, and we were abruptly pulled apart that our moment ceased.
I couldn't help but feel anger building up, as I turned to look at the boy who just ruined our moment.
Michael looked angry too.
All I knew, was this was definitely not going to go down well.

My stomach was in knots as I stared up at the blue eyed boy who had just caught Michael and I in the act. As to why he was so upset, I was unsure, but by the way his blue eyes were brooding, burning into Michael's, I knew this wasn't going to go down well.

No one spoke for a few moments.

Here I sat, looking like a fool with my mouth hanging open, gaze switching between the two boys in front of me. Luke, with his ocean blue eyes narrowed, jaw clenched, and hands balled into tight fists at his sides. Michael, with a hard expression across his features, staring at Luke with certain intensity.

I felt as if I was caught up in the middle of an entirely different predicament, one I had no insight on. As if I was watching an inside moment I had no inclusion in. I felt very excluded, and it was worrying me. I had a terrible feeling I was missing something here, as I was very unsure as to why Luke was so upset about this.

"What the fùck was that?" Luke finally yelled, slamming his fist onto my bedside table with surprising force, causing a few skin creams to topple over and crash onto the hardwood floor.

Luke was staring straight at Michael, obviously directing his demanding question towards him. Michael didn't even flinch, he just simply kept his expression the same, and stared right back at Luke.

"We had a deal here Michael, I thought you would have some fùcking decency!" Luke continued, and Michael stood up from the floor. Although both Michael and Luke were tall, Luke still had a few inches over Michael, and towered over him menacingly.

I could practically see the anger radiating off of the two, and I was starting to fear that if I didn't intervene soon, something bad was going to go down that the both of them would regret.

I clambered to my feet, stumbling slightly due to my legs shaking in fear. I went to say something, but was interrupted by more yelling.

"We both know that deal ended, if I didn't break it, you would have first," Michael finally spoke, his voice cool and collected.

Michael's calmness only seemed to anger Luke further, as his face began to turn a threatening shade of deep crimson.

"You know what? Maybe I fùcking would have. But my intentions were surely better than yours are!" Luke screamed, getting into Michael's face.

Michael continued to stay calm, his expression not faltering for even a second.

"And what are you suggesting my intentions were," he spoke, squinting his beautiful blue-green eyes.

"You're gonna fùck her over, that's what. You have so many problems yourself, you could never make her happy the way I could," Luke yelled, pointing his finger at me.

Whoa, what the hell?

"Guys, what is-" I began, before getting cut off by Luke.

"And then, after you promised me, I find you in here making out with her? Probably just trying to get in her pants, huh? What else would you know how to do, it's not like you had parents to teach you any better!" Luke screamed, shoving Michael's chest.

Before I knew it, Michael had Luke pinned against the wall, and I was just standing there dumbstruck as the boys began to bash it out.

Luke stood no chance against Michael, and his nose was already gushing blood within seconds.

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