Chapter 8

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I woke up the morning after the whole Dan incident by my alarm beeping obnoxiously. I groaned and slammed the snooze button a bit too roughly.
I turned over and hid under the covers, not wanting to go to school.

As I was trying to fall back asleep, my phone buzzed from beside me. I checked the screen to see Michael's name.

I opened our chat, and read his message.

"Oh wow look at the time, looks like you have to go to school soon ;)"

I groaned yet again, annoyed by his taunting. It must be later at night for him right now, and he just wants to torture me.

"Oh fuck off," I replied.

I was now feeling more awake, so I got out of bed, making sure to turn off my alarm so it doesn't go off and scare the shit out of me later.

I walked over to my messy closet, grabbing a Pierce the Veil shirt and some black jeans. I didn't feel like trying today, so I was just going to be casual, but who am I kidding I say that every day.

I slipped on my clothes and crossed the room to my vanity. I took in my groggy appearance and groaned for the third time this morning. Today was not going to be a fun day.

After going to the bathroom to wash my face, I put on some light makeup. I wasn't a huge fan of makeup, but I always felt like people were staring at my stupid acne, so I tend to try my best to cover it up.

I swiped on some mascara, to make myself look a bit more awake. I examined myself, deciding this was the best I was gonna get, and I walked downstairs.

Ashton had already graduated from high school, so he was still asleep, and my parents wouldn't be leaving for work for a few hours so I was all alone in the morning.

I got some cereal and took a seat at the dining room table. I felt lonely so I decided to text Michael.

"Once I get home from school I'm calling you, I have quite a story to tell you," I said, hoping I wasn't being too forward. Although, I was starting to feel more and more comfortable talking to Michael every day.

"Im excited to hear it, I might be sleeping then, but I'll stay up just for you :)"

"Aw, how sweet. I feel bad though, you should sleep instead, I can tell you at another time where it's better for both of us," now I felt really bad, I was probably being such a pain.

"No it's fine Evie, it's not like I do much that I have to sleep for,"

"What about school?"

"I graduated last year, and I'm sure as hell not going to college,"

Shit he was like two years older than me. He told me once his birthday was in November, so that means he's 19. Yikes, I'm only 17.

It's only a two year difference but I guess I just assumed we were the same age for some reason.

"Oh, lucky. I can't wait to graduate," I was honestly so excited to escape high school. I hated literally everyone at my school.

"Appreciate it while it lasts. But anyways, I'll be waiting for your story tonight, you're gonna be late for school if you don't leave soon."

How does he always know this stuff? He must be really good at math or something. I looked at the clock to see that he was exactly right, it was 7:15 and I had to be to school at 7:30.

"Okay whatever, talk to you once I get home. Or I'll snapchat you in class or something if I get the chance." I typed out quickly before running out the door and getting in my car.

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