Chapter 25

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Evie's POV

I was currently in the car with Brooklyn, she was driving me home from the mall.

I had a great time with her, and was now realizing how much I had missed her. It was nice to interact with another female after spending my days surrounded by childish boys.

I felt refreshed after venting all of my inner struggles to her, and she had given me lots of advice, which I had been needing very badly lately.

"We need to do this again soon," I said, over the music blasting throughout the small car.

"We really do," she agreed, keeping her eyes on the road. "Your life has gotten so interesting lately, it's fun to hear about,"

I laughed at her statement, appreciating how her humor helped me to escape from my currently stressful life.

There was so much that had to be done. We had to secure Michael's bank account so his parents couldn't track it. We had to get him a new phone, so that his parents could also not track the location of that. And, he had to go through the process of becoming an American citizen. Not to mention, we had to plot some ways to get his parents off his back. Out first tactic was to go to the police. Michael kept telling me that wouldn't work, but I wasn't convinced.

Brooklyn's car pulled up in front of my house, and I sighed as the car came to a stop.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concern lacing her blue eyes.

"I just don't wanna go back I guess," I admitted. I hadn't realized it until I left, but it was all becoming too much for me. But, I could never show it. I had to be strong for Michael, because he had it much worse than I did. But staying strong when all you want to do is cry for hours, can be a tough task. Especially when you're as weak as I am. I hadn't dealt with many hardships in my life, so the events of the last few days had really taken their toll on me.

It was weird to think that it had only been a few days since all of this began.

"Evie, it's all going to be okay. And I'm always here, you aren't on your own," Brooklyn said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I nodded meekly, wishing my life could go back to normal.

But, did I really want it to go back to the way it was? Because as much as I hated to admit it, I have grown so completely and utterly dependent on Michael, and I feel as if I needed him. Now that he was here, in just a short time, that dependency had grown tenfold, and I felt as if I was clinging onto him with all that I had. Did I really want to forget him? Deep down I knew the answer to that, but at the moment, I was too far into the depths of denial to come to terms with it.

"I just, I'm scared Brook," I said sadly, voicing my concerns. "I have no idea what I'm doing, so much is at stake, and I need to keep him safe. I'm just so confused over how I feel about him, so confused over what to do, and so confused by how to resolve all of this," I pushed my head into my hands, feeling an anxiety attack coming on.

"I know, but you'll push through it somehow. You aren't alone, you know that. You have the guys, and me. You're stronger than you may know," Brooklyn said, her velvety smooth voice calming me ever so slightly.

"I should go inside now," I stated, beginning to feel claustrophobic in the small car as it began to close in on me. My breaths were increasing in speed by the second, and I knew exactly what was happening.

"Bye Evie, call me if you need anything, okay?" Was the last thing I heard Brooklyn say before I slammed the car door shut and began rushing into my house, needing to reach the safety of my room as soon as I possibly could.

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