Chapter 20

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I just want to state that I've never been on a plane, or even gone to an airport before, so if this isn't how things happen I'm so sorry, I'm trying my best to make it realistic, but I have no idea how airports work. For the sake of this story, just go along with it lol. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!
Michael's POV

There were now two minutes until my flight, and we were going to start to board soon. There were no signs of my parents, to my relief.

I had nothing I was bringing with me, except for some money that was leftover from the funds I had used for my tickets.

I was ready to start a new life, away from my parents. Although, I knew I would never be able to live in a absolute happiness. There would always be the burden of those two disgusting human beings, weighing down on my shoulders.

But I would push through it with Evie by my side.


It had never occurred to me that by flying out to be with her, I could be putting her in danger. Panic started to overwhelm my body as I thought about what my parents might do to her if they find her.

Was I really making the right decision?

It was too late now, the passengers were beginning to be guided into another room, where we would board the plane.

I began crossing the room and take my spot in line, when I heard a voice that shattered every ounce of hope I had left inside of me.

"Oh there you are, Michael fùcking Clifford. What a surprise to find you here," I heard a familiar drunken voice call out.

My eyes widened, and I began to move through the quickly progressing line, attempting to hide myself in the crowd.

Before I knew it, my parents were running straight at me.

The breath was knocked right out of me, and my mind began to spin once again.

"Don't you dare get on that flight!" My mother yelled as they approached me.

I ignored them, desperately trying to make it to the front of the line and get into the other room.

"You son of a bitch!" My father yelled.

They were now about twenty feet away from me, when they were stopped by an official.

"Tickets?" The man asked in an authoritative  voice.

"We don't fùcking have any, we're here for our son!" My dad yelled in his face.

"if you don't have any tickets, you need to go back to the waiting area," the man continued, ignoring my father's outburst.

"Not until we have our son," my mother seethed.

I was now getting closer and closer to the room, there were only about fifteen or so people separating me from safety.

My father tried to run at me, but the officials stopped him. He was struggling in their grip, screaming out profanities.

"At least tell me where the flight is heading off to you fùckers!" He screamed wildly.

Oh shit.

Please, please do not tell him. Please.

I squeezed my eyes shut, stress overwhelming my body, rendering me motionless.

"I'm sorry but we can't tell you that for privacy reasons," the body guard stated, causing me to cry out in relief.

I was now about to enter the room, when I heard my father's voice speak once again.

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