Chapter 26

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Michael's POV

I walked with Evie down to the basement, holding on to her tightly, just to make sure she didn't fall. She seemed alright I guess, but a lot had just happened and I was worried that she want stable at the moment.

I honestly am unsure of what just happened. It all went down so quickly, and I'm a little confused. All I do know, is that she scared the shít out of me. When I came in there to see her crying and hitting herself in the head, I almost lost it.

Not to mention when she passed out, and continued to scream.

I had a heart attack right on the spot.

She continued to tell me that she was alright, but I beg to differ. But I don't have the energy to interrogate her on it right now, and I don't want to upset her further. I think my best option for now is just to drop it.

When we got into the basement, we were met with the boys playing Fifa, like usual. I led her to the couch, and we sat down next to them.

Luke shot me a quizzical look as i sat down with Evie. It took me a moment to notice that she was practically on my lap.

Much to my dismay, I nudged her off of my lap, causing her to shoot me a glare.

"Is that your way of saying I'm too fat?" She accused with a giggle.

She was not fat, no way no how. Evie was tiny. Yes, she had meat on her bones, but she was a very petite girl. She stood at around five feet tall, and it was adorable to me.

"No, um, my leg just fell asleep," I lied. I was already beginning to regret my decision of agreeing to Luke's idea.

What would it matter if I lied to him?

I felt guilty at the thought, but was he seriously convincing me not to act upon my feelings, just because he liked her too, but she didn't like him back? Hell no. Evie will be mine one way or another, and I was a fool to let Luke tell me otherwise.

I'll have to be sneaky about this though, I'll have to not show it in front of Luke.  Or at least try to hide it. Or should I tell him? He's been so good to me since I got here, do I really want to ruin that?

Evie was worth it, I would do anything to win her over, I promised myself that long ago.

"So Michael, have you decided who you want to stay with yet?" Calum asked, breaking me from my trance.

I looked over to Evie, wanting her advice.

"Stay with Calum," she whispered.

I raised an eyebrow at her, signaling that I want an explanation.

She giggled, and leaned in again to whisper in my ear.

"Luke's parents are total head cases, stay with Calum,"

Well that was enough for me to make up my mind. There was no way in hell I was going to stay with another set of crazy parents. As if mine weren't already enough.

"I'll stay with you, Calum," I said, causing him to smile.

"Yes!" Calum cried, jumping off the couch and doing a little victory dance. "See, Luke! I told you he'd pick me!"

"Whatever Calum, he still loves me more," Luke retorted.

"Excuse me," Evie called out, causing all eyes to avert to her. "I'm pretty sure he loves me the most," she said, showcasing her adorable little smile.

She then latched on to my arm, nuzzling her head into my shoulder. I inwardly awed at her showcase of affection.

I noticed Luke's eyes burning with anger as he stared at us. I felt slightly uncomfortable under his glare, but I decided to ignore him, avoiding all eye contact.

"She's right guys, I think I do love her more," I said, smiling smugly.

Evie smiled up at me, causing my heart to flutter. I searched her eyes for any hint of sadness, but I couldn't find anything. Her eyes were shining as bright as ever, even after what had just happened.

(A/N if anyone forgot what happened, she had an anxiety attack and passed out, then had a scary dream about Michael's parents taking him away from her.)

"Evie, stop cuddling with that creep and come over to me," Luke whined, opening his arms and sending me a playful smile. Anyone else would see that smile as part of his joke, or to show me that he was just being playful. Although, being in my position, I saw it as more. It had a hint of an evil tone behind it, and I knew exactly what he was trying to portray to me.

Evie just continued to cling to me, poking her tongue out at Luke.

"I'm not getting up," she said, a small smile playing on her lips.

Damn, those fùcking lips.

"Please, I'm cold and lonely, just come here," he said with a sigh.

"No," Evie said clinging to me more tightly. I wrapped my arms around her as well, holding her tightly to me.

Just then, Luke shot me a glare, as if to say, game on.

I could see the anger building up in his eyes. While everyone else in the room saw this as a playful dispute, this moment signified me breaking my promise to Luke. Evie was no longer fair ground, we would now both be after her, and I know for sure that Luke won't let this go easily.

I nervously gulped, scared I had just ruined everything. I didn't know Luke very well yet, but he had been acting weird lately, and I was slightly scared he would do something to take Evie from me. Something conniving and manipulative.

Just then, Luke got out of his seat and ripped Evie from my grasp, throwing her over his shoulder and running around, giggling like a little boy.

He stuck his tongue out at me, continuing to laugh hysterically.

"Put me down, Luke!" Evie cried out, laughing with him.

Oh, game on Luke Hemmings.

Omg I'm so sorry this is so short and so sucky. I'm having my first case of writers block and it sucksss ugh. I have a plan of some stuff I want to happen, but am having trouble executing it like I want to. Plus, I don't have that many reads still and the motivation to update is leaving me. I'll continue to update, because I have plans for this book and am excited to finish it, and plus, reads aren't everything and I'm writing because I love doing it. Anyways, enough of my little rant. For those of you who are reading, thank you so much! Bless ur soul.

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