Chapter 23

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Evie's POV

I was awoken the next morning my a scream, causing me to jolt awake. My vision was black at the edges, and I was confused for a good thirty seconds.

Once my fuzzy vision cleared, I noticed Luke standing in my doorway, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Luke wha-?" I questioned, wondering why he had screamed and was standing in my doorway.

"Oh god what did you guys do?" He asked, pulling at his hair.

I was confused for a moment, before I noticed the presence of someone right next to me. I turned my head to see Michael sleeping soundly beside me. I jumped, nearly falling off of the bed.

I took in his almost naked figure, my mind reeling. We hadn't done anything, had we?

I now realized the way Michael's arms were wrapped tightly around me, securing me in his grasp. He was currently the big spoon, and had his face shoved into the crook of my neck.

The events of last night suddenly played back in my head. Michael's break down, how he explained everything to me, how I took him up to my room to sleep, and how he wouldn't let me leave him.

And, that brings me to where I am now. Cuddled up to a half naked boy, who is the first boy other than Ashton, Luke, and Calum I had ever shared a bed with.

"Luke, nothing happened we just," I said quickly, trying to get up and escape Michael's iron grip around my waist.

He whimpered softly, latching on more tightly in his sleep.

"You met him yesterday and you're already in the same bed," Luke spit, much to my surprise. He had never spoken to me in such a way, and I was confused as to what triggered his sudden anger.

"Luke it's not like that, he was just-"

"Whatever Evie. You guys have been all over each other since he got here anyways, how did I not suspect he'd get in your pants so soon," he growled.

All of the color drained from my face as I was left appalled by Luke's words. Anger tugged at emotions, and I tried my best to keep the looming urge to scream at him at bay.

"What's gotten into you, Luke? He did not 'get in my pants' for your information! He told me what happened last night, and he was very vulnerable, and I was comforting him. He's just a good friend, and I'm being here for him when he needs it," I said, my voice wavering under Luke's stare.

Luke just chuckled, continuing to pull at his hair.

"You say all of that as you're lying in bed with him!"

I gasped at his sudden outburst. Why was he acting so much like Ashton all of a sudden?

"Luke, what the hell is your problem? Can't you see I'm just trying to help him?" I said, tears pricking at my eyes.

His features softened when I said that, and a flash of regret crossed his face.

"Evie, I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of that, I just, I don't know it surprised me seeing you with him and I got protective," he mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Luke, it's okay, I'm just confused. Why are you acting like Ashton all of a sudden?"

He sighed, taking a sudden interest in the floor as he avoided my gaze.

"I don't know, I guess I just freaked out a little when I saw you with him, especially since he looks like he's completely naked right now. I don't know, can we just forget any of that happened? It's morning and I'm grumpy, you know how I get. I really am sorry, Evie. Please don't be upset with me."

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