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"People cry not because are weak but because they have been strong for too long."
                        -Johnny Depp.


••| Chapter 18 |••

After another adventurous day like all the previous ones, they reached their apartment by night time. They went to different places everyday and enjoyed a lot.

Zaira had been sleeping for the past 15 minutes and was now in a deep sleep. Sid parked his Matte Black Audi in the garage and shook her gently by her shoulders.

''Wake up! Zaira! We're home.'' He whispered while shaking her.

"Why can't anybody let me sleep?" She whined in her sleep.

He decided to carry her up to the room as he didn't want to disturb her while she was sleeping peacefully.
He carried her up to reach the door of the apartment when he heard some mumbling.

''Why am I flying? Am I dead already?'' She mumbled not noticing where she was.

He smirked at her innocence and decided to have some fun.

''Yes, You are indeed dead.'' Replied Sid.

''Are you the angel of death?'' She asked further, giving a cheshire cat grin.

''Yes I am.'' he replied smirking.

''GODD!! You're so handsome, like the Greek Gods they mention about in stories, and cute also. I would have died earlier if I knew you were this handsome.'' She replied giggling at her own words.

''Ahh!! I am! But you've a husband down on Earth who would be hurt if he saw you like this, complimenting me.'' He replied.

''OMG! I totally forgot! Yeah, SIDD!! Wait! I don't wanna die. Please let me live. Please Please Please! I love him a lot. I haven't even spent a whole year with him, Please let me live.'' She said making her usual cute puppy face.

''Ha Ha Ha...Do you expect me to leave a beautiful girl like you? And You also admitted that I'm handsome But You know what, He loves you a lot as well. He can do anything for you. Just make sure not to hurt him." Replied Sid chuckling a bit

''I promise!'' She said batting her eyelashes seductively.

''Okay! bye'' He said.

Zaira woke up. She didn't realise it was just a dream or something and hugged Sid instantly which made him smile widely. He carried her up to the room and laid her on the bed. He changed into his usual night suit. A three forth jeans only and laid down beside her. He was not sleepy at all. He decided to check his mobile when a name flashed on the screen and with that name all the horrible memories of the past arrived back. The ones, he had buried deep down long ago. He got up from the bed and leaned against the balcony door which was giving the most perfect and peaceful view of Paris. The harmonious whispers of the wind were blowing from here and there giving the night a soothing effect but he was standing there sweating from head to toe. Even they failed to relax him. He didn't want anything to happen again in his life. He had a hard time coming to terms with his life before and he didn't want that again, Ever.

''NO!! NO!! It just can't happen when my life is just perfect.'' He muttered to himself. ''Why are you here again? To Destroy my Perfect Life? To Hurt my wife? To hurt my family again? Why are you here? Well for whatever reason you are here, I will not let you succeed this time, You'll not succeed in your evil plans this time! I'm coming for you.'' He muttered to himself while gritting his teeth as his hands turned into clenched fists.

He was now leaning against the grill and was breathing heavily. He was lost in deep thoughts. After taking in the gentle breeze and calming down a bit, he felt someone behind his back.
He spun around only to see Zaira with worry written all over her beautiful face.

''What are you doing here in the middle of night?'' She asked with a worried expression as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

''Nothing! Let's go and sleep. I was not sleepy that's why I came here to take some fresh air.'' He said pulling her inside the room, changing the topic of the conversation. He wanted her out of this and everything else.

They both laid down on the bed embracing each other.

''Sid!'' Zaira whispered while burying her head in the crook of his neck.

''Hmm!'' He replied not knowing how to respond as the memories of the past kept haunting his mind. She lifted her head up to meet the sparkling eyes of his and continued. ''You know, Whatever is bothering you, if you ever feel like sharing with someone. I'm always here to listen. Whatever happens, I'll always be by your side. Just remember that.'' She said with a worried but calm expression.

Sid was startled at those words partly because he was surprised that how could someone know him so well in such a short span of time and partly because how would he be able to tell her. About his scars, About his past, About his Family And About Sana!

''Sure.'' He said while hiding all his pain behind a beautiful and assuring smile.

At about 4:00 am in the morning, Zaira noticed Sid tossing and turning in his sleep. He was sweating from head to toe. Zaira was tensed more than ever to see him in a situation like that. Suddenly he woke up from the bed with a loud scream of No. Zaira sat there scared, at what was happening when he suddenly hugged her tightly and tears started rolling down from his eyes. Zaira was still not able to comprehend the whole situation but to calm him down, she hugged him back and caressed his cheeks.

''I will never allow anyone to snatch you away from me! I will always protect you. I will never leave you. I cannot just afford to lose you. You have completed my world. Promise me you'll never leave me whenever I need you.'' He said while tears were constantly flowing down from his eyes making them all bulgy and swollen.

''I Promise! How can you even think like that?'' She replied not knowing further what to say as her own heart was over flowing with emotions. She caressed his cheeks and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead and both of his eye lids which had become heavy with constant tears.

Saying that, he buried his face in his hands and sighed heavily. He had the worst nightmare ever mixed with his past and present. He didn't know how to react. He just laid down on bed staring at the ceiling with blank emotions while she laid there examining his expressions with her palm under her cheek as if trying to figure out what he was going through. What he must be hiding? What was one thing that kept bothering him? Why was he in so much pain? Not being able to sleep, as his long gone insomnia kicked in once again, he opened his cell phone to check his daily news feed when he saw the date.

We've been here for 20 days already when it feels like we have just started.
he thought to himself.

'And oh Shit! Today's her birthday! I will make this one the most special one for her. The one she will remember for all her life. And no one would interfere in that. NO ONE.

He said to no one in particular while planning for the next day.


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