Imagine: Missing You So Much It Hurts

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Imagine: Missing You So Much It Hurts 


You lift your head toward the ceiling as makeup artists rub brushes and puff powder across your face. 

"You're on in two." A man with a clipboard and a Bluetooth tells you..he must be someone official. 

You walk out onto the stage setup they have for the filming of Ellen. 

She stands up and hugs you before you sit down. 

"Hi!" You wave at the audience. 

"Oh, it's so good to have you back here (Y/N)!" Ellen tells you. 

"Thank you! I love coming here." You smile. 

"So, since the last time you came on the show, you've started filming another movie, correct?" 

"Yes. I have. Just recently, actually." 

"Monte Carlo, right?" 

"Yes. I'm very..very excited about this movie because I'm able to travel alot with the filming which is good and bad, but I had a nice, long break since my last movie and I was able to spend a lot of time with family and friends which was really great." You answer. 

"How long has it been since your last movie?" 

"Nine months." 

"Oh, wow. That's great. Lots of time to spend with family." You nod. "Now, can you tell us a little about the movie?" 

"I can. It's about these three girls, two best friends and a step sister and they go on this adventure during their visit to Paris. So, the character I play, Grace, she has been looking forward to this trip for so long..her and her friend Emma have been planning it for a really long time, and then grace's mom's boyfriend decides it would be good if Grace's stepsister came with them. Grace and Emma aren't very happy about that because they don't really know the..uh, the sister, but they all, you know, become better friends along the way..and it's really..really a nice movie." 

"And you get to film in Paris!" 

"Yes." You smile and nod. "I'm really excited about that. Paris and Monte Carlo which is going to be so cool because I have never been to either so that'll be really cool.." 

"Now, when you're long are you normally gone? Do you get to fly back to see family or anything or do you just call them.." 

Ellen asks you. You're surprise she hasn't asked about Justin yet but your sure she will.. 

"I'm gonna be gone about a month or so I think at first and then maybe another month after that..I'm not sure yet. But yeah, I call them and text and I Skype alot. It's really nice. Hard, but nice." 

"Now..what about Justin? How do you stay connected with him while you're gone?" 

You smile and start to talk. "Uh, we call eachother a lot, yeah. And we iChat and Skype. It's hard because I miss him so much but...we get through it." You say. 

"Now, may I ask..what is your favorite thing about dating Justin?" 

"Oh..umm..I love, I mean...everything about him really." You say with another smile. "I love his passion for his music and his work, and he has such a big heart. I love how good of a boyfriend he is to me..I mean, really. He is THE BEST. And I love his smile.." You say, then sadness washes over you and you look to the floor. 

"He's on tour right now, isn't he?" Ellen asks you when she sees you sad. 

"I miss him so so much..." You say. You do. He's been gone for two months now and you miss him like crazy, every single day. His smile, his laugh, his voice, the way he knows exactly what to say all the time.. 

"Well I have a bit of a surprise for you (Y/N).." Ellen says and you look up. 

"What? You do?" You ask. This was unexpected. 

"Look up at the screen..Justin sent me a video for you." 

You smile and laugh to yourself as you look at the screen. 

Justin's face pops up and he says 

"I miss you so much (Y/N). I wish I could be there with you. You mean the world to me..and the world isn't the same without you. I can't wait to see you and wrap my arms around you again." You blush a little at that part...okay alot. "We only have three more weeks. I love you and I'll call you tonight." Then the video ends. 

"Oh my god..Ellen!" You say, so happy. 

"How was that?" Ellen says and raises her eyebrows and you laugh. 

"Thank you." You say. "Thank you." 

"It's been a pleasure having you on the show again, (Y/N). I'll see you soon. Bradley Cooper will be here with us after this break." The camera clicks off for 90 seconds and Ellen takes your hand and lifts you from your chair. 

"Thank you so much Ellen. It was great seeing you." You say as you hug her. 

"No problem. See you soon!" She calls after you as you walk away. 

You walk back up the stairs you entered from, give one last wave to the audience, and leave. Once your backstage, you change out of the dress and take all the makeup off. You slide on a pair of sweatpants and a comfy, loose shirt and grab your phone and purse. You don't wear makeup alot, only when you have to. I mean, every girl should be able to feel beautiful..shouldn't they? WITHOUT all the makeup.  

You turn your phone on and open a text from Justin.

From: Jus 

I miss you so much it hurts. See you in sixteen days xo

You slide into your car and just sit there, smiling, for at least five minutes. Missing Justin, loving Justin, wondering why would love you....but thankful. Thankful for everything he is..everything he does. Thankful for him. 


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