"Really, truly.." (Parisha)

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*Justins POV* 

Parisha grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the school. Ryan had been telling me for months that there was something going on between them, but I refused to believe it. Parisha was MY Parisha, and we both knew that we each had secret feelings for eachother. Damn, why did I have to feel so jealous over this guy? Parisha was with him alot, yes, but she was with me... enough. Face it, Justin, she has more feelings for him.  

"It's like I told you, bro." Ryan said to you as he saw you staring jealously at Parisha and Matt. 

"Yea yea, I know." You reply, not taking your eyes off Parisha. Looking at the way he made her smile and how she laughed like she hadnt a care in the world..God. You wanted her so bad. 

Matt pulled Parisha into a hug and you turned away, facing Ryan but looking down at your feet, sad eyes. 

You turned around as you felt a hand on your shoulder. Parisha stood there, smiling foolishly. 

"Hi." She smiled at you. 

"H-hi." You croaked back to her, trying to hide your hurt. 

"What's wrong Jay.." She asked you, rubbing her hand against your shoulder. 

"No. No it's-it's nothing." You wipe your nose with your thumb, lick you lips, and look down. 


"It's nothing." You angrily and take her hand off your shoulder. "I'm fine, okay!" 

"C'mon." She takes your hand. 

"Where are we going?" You ask her. 

"My house." She states and drags you into her car and drives you back to her house 

"Now," she says once you're in her room. "What's. Wrong. I know you much too well to take 'I'm fine' for an answer when clearly you're upset about something." 

How does she know you so well? She's always been able to know how you feel and what you really mean when you say something. 

"Parisha, whose Matt?" You ask her. 

"Matt?" She asks you, confused. 

"Matt." You nod. 

"Uh, a guy at our school." She says. 

"Yes but, to you, who is he?"  

"Uh.." She thinks for a moment. "A good friend, I guess. Why?" 

"Parisha I love you." You blurt out. 

"Wh-what?" She asks, shocked. 

You lick your lips and look away from her, what did you just do? How could THAT slip out?! 

"You-you love me?" She croaks. 

"Of course I do. Parisha, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Your smile, the way you can laugh and make me laugh and make me forget about everything that's wrong in the world, and the way you just make everyone so ..happy." You admit to her. 

"Why..why would you love ...me?" She asks you. 

Is that a joke? Why? Why wouldn't you! 

"Parisha! Why wouldn't I!" 

"I-I don't know..Chris never did.." She bites her lip and wipes a tear from her eye as she remembers her ex, Chris. 

*Parisha's POV* 

Chris. Chris had told me he loved me, too. That was, before he dumped me for no reason. No, before he dumped me because I 'didn't care about him or consider his feelings' I was 'self centered'. That crushed me. I was crushed after that for..awhile. I tried to..make him love me again, when I hadn't even realized why he'd love me in the first place. I mean, why would he? I'm ugly. I don't wear makeup like the girls at my school or work hard to perfect my hair before coming to school. There were SO many girls he could've loved-but no. He said he loved me. But he didn't. And I told myself that no one ever would. Stupid young love was all it was. I decided to just be friends with guys, so I knew I could trust them. But, when Justin told me he loved me..the memories of Chris just washed over me and I couldn't even think. 

"Chris was a jerk. That's why. He never cares about you the way I do. I don't know how he could hurt someone like you but he did and he's an idiot for it. Parisha," he leaned into me and wiped my tear with his thumb, making me half smile.  

"Yes." I replied. 

"I. Love. You." He said to you simply. 

"Really?" You asked him. 

"Really, truly." He said to you and leaned into you, pressing his lips against yours. Hesitantly, you did too, as a smile appeared on your lips. A smile that you hadn't shared with the world for quite a long time. A real smile. And, if Justin could bring out your real smile, then he truly loved you. 


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