Imagine: Jealousy

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You slide into your chair in the third row of your English classroom, first period. Justin, your boyfriend, comes up to you and leans over the desk in front of your chair, runnin his fingers through your hair.

"Sittt." You say to him, looking up into his eyes.

"You're gonna get in trouble again, J."

He shrugs off your advice and continues to run his fingers through your hair.

"Alright. Everybody sit!" Your English teacher comes into the room and you immediately stare at him along with the twelve or thirteen other girls in your class. He was totally cute. And it was totally you and your two best friends, Alicia and Lexi's, biggest crushes. You look back and catch Lexi's eye, Justin catching yours first and giving you an angry look. He hates it when you look at any other man, let alone your teacher.

"To start off this semester you are going to be paired up with someone and you must write a full report on an author. I need a poster, PowerPoint, essay. You each need to have read at least one book by this author and read another. It'll be due at the end of this month."

That gives you only, like, three and a half weeks to do this whole project.

He starts to read off partners.

"Chelsea and Aaron. Leo and Maya. Cameron and Kris." He calls your name and you smile.

You turn your head around and make eye contact with Kris, giving him a smile.

He smiles back at you. Phew. At least you didn't get stuck with someone you either didn't know or you knew wouldn't do any work. Kris was a close friend of yours so you were surprised that he was your partner, but you weren't complaining!

After class Kris walked up to you while you were at your locker.

"Hey." He said and you looked away from your messy locker and into his eyes, smiling.


"So..wanna come back to my house after school to start this thing?" He asks you.

"Sure!" You told him and he walked away.

"Guess who!" You felt strong hands covering your eyes and you recognized Justin's voice. You spun around and took his hands off your eyes.

"Hey!" You laughed at him.

"What was that?!" Justin asks you as he sees Kris walking down the hall and away from your locker.

"Oh, he just was talking about the project."

"Right, right." Justin nodded.

"Hey! What's up with you?" You ask.

"Nothing..nothing." He shakes his head.

"I gotta get to class. Come back to my house after school?" He asks you with a glint in his eye.

"Of course." You smile at him.

Wait. You just told Kris you'd go to his house to work on your project.. God, Justin's gonna be maaaaad.

"Ready?" Justin says as he's at your locker at the end of the day.

Kris walks up to your locker on the other side, asking you the same thing.

Justin walks over to him, angry.

"What do you think you're doin here, kris?" He pushes Kris up against the locker.

What is he doing? He never beats people up..

"C-Cameron and I are w-working on our project together after school." Kris tells Justin, pushing him off an gaining confidence. This isn't going to end well. People are starting to circle up around you three.

"No. She's coming with ME." Justin says.

"J- I'm sorry. I have to go to Kris' house, I totally forgot." You say, taking Justin's arms off Kris.

Justin just gives you an angry look that he's never given you before and walks away.

"K. Lets go." Kris says, back to his old, strong, bad boy self and he grabs your hand and takes you out of the hallway were you stand shocked.

You stay at Kris' house working on the project for three hours before heading home.

'J?' You text him as soon as you get home.


'im so sorry i totally forgot that i had to go to kris' house'

'its whatever. see u tomorrow.'

'i love u j.'

That's weird. He ended that conversation strangely quickly.

The next day at school he walks right by your locker without acknowledging you. Your gaze follows him down the hall but he doesn't look back to you. You walk into first period still confused and when he walks in he ignores you again.

When the teacher dismisses you to work independently with your partner you walk over to him.

"What is with you!" You ask him.

"What is with me?! What is with YOU!" He asks you.

"What-what are you talking about.." What is he talking about?

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about." He rolls his eyes at you.

"Justin! Stop! What am I doing?!?"

"I have to work." He groans and pushes you away from him and his partner.

"Ugh." You moan and walk over to Kris.

Through the entire class you look over to Justin periodically but keeps avoiding your eye. He ignores you for the rest of the day and you begin to ignore him too.

You haven't done anything! Why is he mad at you?!

You walk out of the school at the end of the day with Ryan, Justins best friend.

You haven't talked to him in what feels like forever and he always makes you laugh.

You suddenly feel an arm on your shoulder. You spin around to find Justin.

"Justin?" You say and he grabs your hand and pulls you the side of the school parking lot.

"What was that!" He asks you.

"What? Justin, what are you talking about? Why are you mad at me!"

"How do you not know, Cam!"

"I- I don't know I just don't!" You raise your voice at him and your eyes brim with tears.

He wipes the tear from your eye with his thumb. "Shh. Don't cry, Cam. I just don't want to lose you."

"Lose-lose me?" Your voice cracks as you talk. You hate how that happens when you cry.

"You and just got along so well with him and you were always happy with him...and always laugh when your with him.." He mumbles.

"J- You're not losing me!" You jump into his arms.

"I just got jealous, I guess." He tells you.

"Well, I'm so sorry that I made it seem like they made me more happy than you do. J, your the smile on my face..not them."

He smashes his lips into yours.

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