"Promise Me, Bieber.." (Maricruz)

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Thank you all so much for 555k reads!! :) 
I had a little follow spree for myself last night, heeehee.

Sorry it was such a slow week, club volleyball takes up a lot of time. Double update today. ♡

Hope you like this one. Fan, vote, comment. Mwah, stay beautiful. x

*Maricruz's POV*

"Tell me more about yourself."

"More about me? Uh.. I mean, what do you want to know?" I replied sheepishly. Don't be dumb, Maricruz. You can trust Justin. Tell him the truth. "I mean..there isn't much to tell."

"Beautiful girl like you? I'm sure there is," He said with a grin.

"Well, I grew up In Chicago, though my whole family is from England."

"England?" Justin raised his eyebrow, clearing his throat and preparing his best accent. "How come you don't have an accent then, madam?"

"That was terrible! But adorable, so point taken. And I don't have an accent because I didn't grow up there.. I visited every summer and I love it there.. Lived there for  ten months last year, it was amazing."

"Why'd you come back?"

I swallowed hard and thought quickly for a reply. "Um.. This is where I'm from.. missed my friends.."

"I understand that.. Touring can be hard. Especially when I have to leave the place I've just become a little bit comfortable with,"

"Can't imagine it.. What about you? Tell me more about you!"

"Hey! You aren't finished yet!"

"I think I am."

"No way! I still barely know anything about you!" 

"Justin.. You're going to have to be more specific with what you want to know, here."

"Your childhood. What you do now..."

"Well, you know the basics of how I grew up.. Now I model." 

"Model? Wow. What do you model?"

I cock my head at his adorableness. "Clothes."

He licks his lips. "You don't say."

"For real." 

"Who do you model for?" He says with a chuckle as he takes a sip of his drink.

I take a deep breath. "Victoria's Secret."

Justin chokes on his drink and I laugh at him. 

"Why is it every guy I go out with has the same reaction to that?"

"You know the answer to that question."

I smile.

"Hold on, how many guys have you gone out with?"


"It's a fair question!"

I groan. "A few."

"You've had a lot, haven't you?"

"What makes you say that!"

"You're beautiful and you're a model! I'm sorry, you must know, though.."

"Well I hate to say this but you're wrong, Mr. Bieber."

"Am I now?"

"You have no idea, Justin. No idea what it's like."

"What are you talking about?"

"Being.. being a model in the industry I'm in with the company I'm with.."

He swallows hard. "You can trust me, you know."

"Can I?" I look up and he nods.

I take a deep breath. "My childhood wasn't very good.. I mean, I had a wonderful, supportive family, but they..didn't know me the way they thought that they did.." He gives me a confused look and I go on.

"W-when I was 13.. I had a really bad year.. My confidence dropped and I..started eating less because I was really..concerned with my appearance and worried what people..guys..thought about me.. When I grew up, I knew I had to get away and start fresh.. But then.."

"Maricruz, what happened in England?"

I bite my lip. "Have you ever been in an abusive relationship, Justin?"

"Oh my God, come here," He pulls me into a hug. 

"I'm-I'm okay now. Really."

"No. You're not. You may think you are, but being abused.. That's serious, I-"

"Justin. I'm fine. I.. I don't trust a lot of people anymore, okay? You're about the..second person that knows about it. I got out. I'm fine." 

"Two people?! What? Tell your family! Tell the police!"

"No! Just.. Stop! It hurts me inside a lot, and I hoped I could trust you with it, I.." I look at my lap. Why didn't I just keep my mouth shut?

"Maricruz. Maricruz, look at me." He tells me, positioning his finger lightly under my chin, softly but just enough so that I'm forced to stare at him. "I'm going to protect you from that. All of that. I can read you. I know the reason you don't want to go to the police, and I understand you. But you don't have to carry all of this on your own anymore. I'm here now, and if I'm here for nothing else, I'm here to help carry the weight. I promise. I'm not going to do something like that to you.. I wouldn't even, couldn't even imagine it." 

"Promise me, Bieber,"

"I promise you."


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