"Starlight.." (Part Five)

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Thank you for over 60 votes on Part Four! After this there will only be one more part. A short but sweet ending, I promise (:

Omjb guys.. Jelena is back. I honestly couldnt be happier. I get the fact that people say she just broke his heart and broke him, but they make eachother so happy & smiley... they're my otp, i love them so much. No hate.

Vote & comment for the final part.

Oh, I almost forgot! My announcment! This was very, very hard for me to decide on because I want to continue making you guys smile with these imagines, but I am closing the request box. Im really sorry guys, but it will be reopened within the month. I just have 50+ requests atm and not a lot of time. I hope you'll understand.

Mwah, love you all. x

*Carly's POV*

My jaw drops and my throat goes numb.

He's talking to me.

Straight to me, nobody knows it, but he is. He tweeted that 6 minutes ago...he's thinking about me too..  

Out of curiousity and before I get too excited, I check Selena's account, too.

Selena Gomez @selenagomez


Selena Gomez @selenagomez

people can let you down in life..more than once even..keep your head up...I love you all.

My jaw drops even more.

She went from 'happy' on the day after the fight with Justin to 'upset about how people can get you down more than once' within a week!

Clearly something happened between her and Justin that I didn't hear about!!

No. Take a breath. Nothing is for sure yet and even if he did break up with her he still cheated and nothing can heal the pain that that caused me.

My phone buzzes and my stomach does a million mini flips when I see Justin's name on the screen.

From: Justin <3

please...please..let me explain. let me explain that none of it was a lie, that it was love, that it still is. i love you Carly more than anything or anyone and alot more than I ever loved Selena. believe that I never lied to you..you know I wouldn't do that, you know who I am! I miss you so much Car..I need to see you. your smile, see you laugh, and not with another guy. your mine and I need to protect you.

I look up from the text, my cheeks stained with tears.

I bite my lip in anticipation.

He knows I've read the text now but the question is what do I tell him? Do I fall right back into his arms as if there was never anything wrong? Forget the pain, the sleepless nights, the longest week I've ever had to endure? What can I possibly say to him that would make it better? Is there anything I could say to make it better?

I pick up my phone and call Taylor, she's gone through things like this before and I've always had to be there for her so I know she'll do the same for me. {A/N: At first when I wrote this, it was Taylor as in Taylor Swift, and that's why a few things such as her songs pop up later in the imagine, but now it's for Taylor who won the contest!}

"Hello!" She answers.

"Taylor! Taylor! Taylor! I miss you..oh I want to talk to you, I need to talk to you.." Tears begin to stream down my cheeks as I try to tell her what's happened in the past week. She's halfway across the world, touring, but it's clear she'd do anything to be here.

"Shh. Shhh... It's okay, C, it's okay. You need to talk to him. You need to figure out what Selena was really doing there. Maybe he wasn't cheating..maybe he was. I don't know. I wish I could be there for you girl, I miss you!"

"I miss you too, T. I love you, and I admire you for everything, but I have to go with my gut on this one and I think it's better to just leave it. Maybe I'll see him one day."

"I love you." She says before hanging up.

About an hour after the call with Taylor there is knock at the door.

I get up and open the door. I throw my hand over my mouth in shock when I see Taylor standing there.

"Oh my gosh! T! Hi! Your here!" I say to her and hug her.

"Hey! I got a break and I wanted to come visit youuu! I missed you, C. Lets go do something fun tonight! Ooh lets go to that new club downtown!" 

"Good idea! That'll be awesome. Aah! I'm so happy your here!" I hug her again.

I hold her hand and walk up the stairs with her and into my room as she helps me pick out what to wear.

It's nine thirty by the time we're both ready to go.

Makeup, shoes, tight red dress - check! Ooh, I do look good. 

I walk out the door with Taylor and climb into the passenger seat of her brand new Ferrari car, the first sight of it makes me think of Justin but I shake the thought out of your head and climb in.

Tonight is fun. Dancing. Laughing. Try and forget about the things that are haunting me for one night.

I walk into the club with Taylor, smile on my face, feeling confident. That's the best feeling in the world.

Maybe..second to being in Justin's arms... No. Stop. Forget him.

I walk to the bar with Taylor and you both order drinks and drink two each. 

"Lets dance!" I shout to Taylor over the noise of the other teenagers.

"Okay!" She grabs my hand and puts her drink down as she pulls me into the dance floor.

'22' begins to play and we both get excited, jumping and dancing around as we scream the words to the song.

Taylor leaves to go to the bathroom just as the song is finishing. I nod at her and keep dancing to the next song that comes on,  We Can't Stop.  

I feel hands on my waist around halfway through the song and I turn to find Matt. 

"Get off of me!" I shout to him but he either can't hear over the blaring music or he just ignores it.

Islap his wrists to get them off my waist and he pulls me off the Dancefloor and pushes me against a wall, a situation a little too familiar with you two.

"Go away, Matt!" I say to him as he tries to kiss me.

I see hands on his shoulders as someone rips him off me from behind.

Punches are being thrown and I recognize the face of the guy who saved me... Justin.

He's here. Of course he's here. 

*End of Part Five*

Justin Bieber Imagines {Requests Closed}Where stories live. Discover now