"I Told You I Love You.." (Rina)

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You throw your towel into the bag full of sunscreen, sunglasses, and a football. You're going out with friends to the beach today. Your friends had always been mostly guys. The girls in your town were all the fake kind. They had to have the perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect life, perfect boys. It was exhausting and you hated basically all of them. Maggie-the snobby 'i have a rich daddy'-most of all because Justin cheated on you with her. Sure, you would try to stay friends because you had been friends before dating and shared the same group of friends but you knew it would be hard to see him today.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, a text from Kris. The past two weeks Kris has been your best friend. He's come over basically everyday and just chilled with you, he knows how hard you took this breakup and he's been so understanding about it. He's like your older brother.

'I'm outside' the text says.

You grab your bag, shove your phone into it, and walk out the front door, giving Kris a hug as you see him.
"Ready?" He smiles at you goofily.
"Ready!" You reply.
"It'll be fine, Rina. Just stick with me." He says to you and winks as he pulls up to the beach and sees Justin, Nick, Jack, and Ryan already there.
"I know." You say and take a few deep breathes to calm yourself.
You step out of the car and walk with Kris to the rest of the guys, ignoring the paparazzis. Immediately, Justin tries to make eye contact with you but you deny him that and greet the three other boys.
"Football." Nick points at you. "You. Me. Now." You grab Kris and he plays catch with you and Nick.
You can see Justin looking at you and whispering things-obviously about you-to Ryan.
"Can I play?" Ryan asks as he gets up from his seat beside Justin, clearly exhausted with him.
"Duh!" You reply and smile at him.
"Alright! Here are the teams. Kris and Rina and me and Ryan." Nick says and you go to the side opposite Kris, Ryan standing right behind you to intercept his passes. Of course, you had to choose the side that you can see Justin from, but whatever, don't focus on him, have fun with these guys. Forget the pain, the hurt, everything that's killed you the past few weeks.
Kris passes you his first throw and you catch it easily, passing it right back to him.
He throws it back to you and you dive to the left in order to catch it. His next few passes are easy.
You're getting into a good groove when he throws you a High ball, and you jump to catch it. You can feel Ryan jumping behind you, hoping to intercept the pass. As you come back down, football in hand, you feel Ryan's hands around your waist. He picks you up and spins you around, trying to get you to drop the ball but you grip your fingers tighter around it and don't let go. You squeal and giggle at him until he finally puts you down. You can see Justin sitting under the umbrella, fire in his eyes. You laugh with Ryan and pass the ball back to Kris.
"Rina." Justin says your name as he gets up from his seat and motions you to the car park. "Can you come here?"
You let out a groan and walk over to him, Kris catching your eye and warning you as you walk.
"What." You say flatly as you roll your eyes at him.
"What was that?" He asks you, annoyed.
"What was what?"
"That!" He says, gesturing to what Ryan did.
"I don't know..! Why do you CARE?" You ask, confused. HE cheated on YOU. So why would HE care if YOU were with another guy? Clearly, you meant nothing, zero, zilch to him.
"Why-why do I CARE? I CARE because-because-because I just do, okay!" He says to you.
"Oh, alright. You 'just do.'" You say, mimicking him and totally unconvinced. He gives you an angered look and you continue, "Look Justin, clearly you aren't going to tell me whatever you really mean so I'm just gonna go back over to Ryan and those guys, ok? Not that you care about what I'm doing."
"Why wouldn't I care?!" He asks you.
"Are you kidding me!" You say. What is he saying? What is he doing? What??
"Can't we at least talk about this?" He pleads with you. Why! Why are you doing this! Next thing you know you'll be melting back into those beautiful, beautiful, carmel eyes of his..NO! Stop. You hate him. He cheated on you.
"What is there to talk about! You cheated on me! CHEATED. That hurt me alot and....." You look down as you feel tears forming in your eyes. "I-I really don't want to talk to you about this.."
"Rina please. Please forgive me. All I want is to be with you. Trust me." He says and you look back up at him. "All I want is you to love me again. For you to trust me again. For you to know that that is the biggest mistake I've ever made and I haven't been able to stand being without you..I don't know what I was thinking..please.."
"I-I- I don't know what you want me to do." All you want to do is have his arms around you again but you can't feel the same about him after seeing him with someone like Maggie. "When-when I saw you with Maggie..." You shake your head and look to the ground.
"I don't know what I was doing. She's..she's..I don't know. All I know is I want YOU. I love YOU." He tells you, most likely assuming you'll fall right back into his arms just like that.
"Look- Justin, I-I don't know how I'm supposed to trust you anymore...I-" You say until you are interupted by Ryan, his hands back around your waist.
"Hey, c'mon Rina. Lets play." He says to you, flirtatiously.
"Can you just give us a minute?" Justin says, becoming angry.
"Woah, man!" Ryan throws his hands in the air. "Calm down, bro."
"I'm friggin calm, so why don't you calm down and give me a minute with Rina."
You stand there, eyes open in shock.
"Come on Justin." You say and grab his arm to pull him away from punching Ryan and give Ryan a look to tell him to just go, that you've got it handled.
"What is with you?" You ask him once you've pulled him away.
"What do you mean." He asks you.
"That! What was that? You looked like you would've punched Ryan if I hadnt stepped in!"
"It's like I said Rina, I love you. You are MY girl and no one else is ever allowed to touch you." He says protectively and makes your heart flutter but you keep your cool.
"Yeah, well, you were mine and I didn't want to let anyone else touch YOU either but..that didnt work out so well did it?" You say sassily, proud of your comeback.
"I know it's going to be hard for you," Justin says as he takes a deep breath, "But I think I have something that might help."
"What?" You say, giving him a confused look.
He grabs your hand and pulls you into his car, you follow reluctantly.
"What are you doing, Justin?" You ask him as he puts his keys into his engine.
"Just wait." He says and begins to pull away but you open your door and he stops.
"No. I'm not going with you. I can't-I can't let my heart be broken again." You tell him and get out of the car. "I-I have to go." You say and walk away, hearing him pound on the steering wheel as you go. You grab your stuff and have Kris drive you home-you offer to take the bus but he insists on driving you.
"You sure you're ok?" He asks you as he pulls up in front of your house.
"I'm fine." You say and let out a deep breath before hugging him and walking into your house.
You drop your bag and go straight to your room. You sit and your bed and all of a sudden begin to cry. You cry because you're lost, you're confused. You don't know what you should do. How can you have feelings for a boy who broke your heart? You sit on your bed, listening to Taylor Swift songs, and think. Your thinking is interupted when your phone buzzes and you pick it up, seeing a text from Justin.

'look out your window.' the text says.

You drop your phone and look out the window, surprised to see Justin sitting there, guitar in his hands. You admire him for the way he handles the fame. He acts as if there aren't any paparazzi. Nobody watching him with a camera trying to take a career-ending photo. You open your window and a grin appears on his face as you bite your lip, something he used to always love you doing. He begins to play a song,

Well let me tell you a story

About a girl & a boy

He fell in love with his best friend,

when she's around he feels

nothing but joy

but she was already broken

And it made her blind,

but she could never believe that

Love would ever treat her right,

Did you know that I loved you

or were you not aware,

You're the smile on my face,

And it ain't goin nowhere

I'm here to make you happy,

I'm here to see you smile

but I've been wantin to tell you

this for a long, long while

What's gonna make you fall

in love, in love I know you got

your wall wrapped all the way

Around your heart

Don't have to be scared at all

no, my love, cause you can't fly

Unless you let yourself fall

He sings to you. Once the song is over you run out of your room, down the stairs and out the front door. You run right up to Justin and jump onto him, hugging him tight. You smile so wide. It's feels like heaven being back in his arms.
"I told you I love you." He says to you as your legs are wrapped around his waist and he carried you back into your house, the paparazzi taking pictures the entire time. But you don't care, you were in Justin's arms-the place you belonged.

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