"Push.." (Rachel)

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I hope you guys enjoy this one.. Dont know why but I feel as if it isnt...done still, but I hope you like it.. Read, vote, comment, follow.. And thanks very much for 360+ followers!!

*Rachel's POV*

Justin leans his head back against the couch and Peyton and Rylee, our 2 year-old twins, giggle as they lean back with him, grinning like they're on a roller coaster.

Justin turns to me with a smile. I return it.

"How are you feeling, R?"

"I'm okay.. Cramping a little bit..."

His eyes fill with sympathy like the sweet guy he is. "Awe, baby."

He picks up P and Ry then sets them down on the couch and comes over to me and massages my back soothingly.

"I can't believe it... Another little girl for our beautiful family."

I smile and rub my stomach. Our little girl has been causing me constant pain for the past week. I guess it's all worth it... After all, there is a miracle happening inside me.

"I know.. It'll be per-" 

A stabbing pain shoots through my body violently. I groan loudly. Then again, this time, even louder.

Justin's eyes bulge. "What is it? Rachel? Are you okay? Did I hurt you? What's happening?"

My lips shake. "N-nothing... I think I'm fine... Just another pain- Uhhh." Another pushing pain shoots through me, and this time I recognize it.

Justin and I's baby girl seems to be ready a little early.


His face fills with concern. "What is it, baby?"

"Our daughter is ready to come out." He raises his eyebrows. "Right now."

He looks out the window at the three feet of snow that have kept us inside Pattie's house for the past few days.

Justin frantically calls Pattie down. She races down the stairs and into the living room, Zachary, our 4 year-old son, in her arms. "What's happening? Justin? Rachel, are you alright, sweetheart?"

I swallow hard and shake my head as pains run through me.

"Oh my," She gasps and sets Zachary down beside Peyton and Rylee. "You're going into labor aren't you?"

And then my water breaks. 

Pattie squeals and Justin rushes up from his position behind me and dials the number to the hospital anxiously.

Pattie turns to him, a look in her eye that I can't describe. 

"Justin, put the phone down."

"What? But, Rachel! She's in labor... Mum!!" 

Jesus, you'd think after having gone through this two times before, with twins one of those times and much more pain on my body, he'd be a little calmer, but nope. 

He may be even more freaked this time around.

"Justin," I tell him calmly. "Breathe. It's okay."

He walks over to me and takes my hand in his. "You're right... What do you need, Rachel? Does it still hurt?"

I nod. "Pattie... Are we going to call an ambulance or what...?"

"Rachel... There's no way we're getting out of this house today. No way in hell... You...You're going to have to deliver the baby here. We're going to have to deliver the baby here..."

Justin runs his hands down his face. "That's going to hurt her, isn't it, mum?"

"Not if we do it right."

Justin stands up. "Oh, and you know how to deliver a baby, huh? Or should we just YouTube it?"

"Justin! Calm down!"

He is getting so worked up about this!

Pattie puts her hand on his shoulder. "Drew... It's okay, I'm not going to hurt Rachel, and niether are you."


She nods. "We're delivering this baby."

Rylee pushes Zachary over and she and Peyton erupt in giggles.

"Let's get them into the play pen," Pattie suggests and I nod, lying back on my chair and trying to take deep breaths. Her and Justin lift Peyton, Ry, and Zachary into the play pen and Pattie rushes into the kitchen, grabbing some towels, gloves, a magnifying glass (which made me feel seriously uncomfortable), and some other tools she thought would be useful.

I swallow hard, again. Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous. And umbarassed... I mean... Do I really want Justin right there as I'm, like, stradding?

He walks to me, almost reading my thoughts. "It's okay, Rachel. I'm right here. Do you want me to hold your hand?"

I nod and he laces his fingers with mine and kisses my forehead. 

"Are you ready?" Pattie asks.

I wipe a bead of sweat from my forehead. "Yes. I think I am."

She pulls on the gloves and nods. "Push."

I push.

~ ~

Justin rubs his hand against my forehead, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"I'm so proud of you," He says, kissing the top of my head.

I smile wearily and Ava Grace slides her mouth open slowly.

Justin looks down at her and shakes his head. "Another daughter..."

"I know... I love you, Justin." 

A tear trickles down his cheek. "I love you, too, Rachel."

I sigh and yawn slowly; three hours later and I'm still exhausted.

"Get some rest, baby." Justin tells me and I nod, lying back on the couch.

He stands up from his position beside me and takes Ava out of my arms, cradling her in his own.

As my eyes start to close, the last thing I see is Justin singing Ave Maria {A/N: Beyonce's version} to Ava Grace with tears in his eyes.


{Question Of The Day: What do you guys think about all this Jelena drama?

> Honestly, Im a HUGE Jelena shipper, because Im a belieber, obviously, but Im a dedicated Selenator, too, and when those two are together.. Its magical.. They make each other so incredibly happy and that makes me so happy too.. And, in my opinion, I feel like you almost cant be a real fan of someone if you dont accept who theyre dating/in love with.. And.. I want somenoe to love me like Justin loves Sel..to never give up on me or our love and to love me unconditionally and through everything.. Im also so, so, so happy Selena's Stars Dance World Tour is back onnn (: I dont know guys, but thats my opinion so my fingers are crossed that they're actually back together, but tell me what you think!}

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