"Make You Feel My Love.." (Mackenzi)

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ATTENTION: Trigger warning. Please note that this is a trigger warning. I promise that all of you are worth love and adoration towards your bodies, and you should never hurt yourself because of how you think of yourself. Please don't hesitate to call this number, the suicide hotline, if anything, thoughts, feelings, comes into your mind: 1-800-273-8255 (this is the US suicide prevention hotline, just so you know), and don't hesitate to send me a message, because I will always be there for you. Thank you, enjoy the imagine.

The song for this imagine, and I think I'll be using songs in my imagines more and more now, is Make You Feel My Love. Either the Adele version or Lea Michele's version for Cory {cried so hard when she sang it}, and I've wanted to use it in an imagine since I saw the Glee episode, so I hope you guys like this one, even though it's short. xx

*Mackenzi's POV*

"Mackenzi! Mackenzi over here! Look over here Mackenzi!" A man with a camera shouts from behind you.

"How are you and Justin, Mackenzi?" 

"Mackenzi! Mackenzi! Do you love your fans, Mackenzi?"

"Has justin not cheated on you yet, you ugly whore!" Another yells.

Even though you know all they want is a crazy reaction out of you, it's hard to put up with.. Random people verbally abusing you all day long.

Thank god for Justin.

If I didn't have him to come home to, I'd say I probably wouldn't still be here right now.

My cutting escalated a few years ago.. The depression had gotten so bad and it took me over.. That was a scary time.

But Justin was able to save me.

He kept me from making those bad choices... He showed me how much more there was to life, and to love.

"Mackenzi! Turn here you bitch!" Another yelled at me. {A/N: Normally dont like to swear in my imagines, but in this case, it has to be as close to reality as possible, and paps are horrible}

I pulled my hoodie higher on my head and kept my head down, but it didn't help. They were still snapping hundreds of pictures per second.. And I would still look ugly in them with my scarred wrists and horrible face.

I opened the front door to my home and walked straight to my couch to sit down and rest.

Swerving through crowds with a hoodie covering most of your view was hard work. And all to avoid some obnoxious stalkers trying to interrupt your personal life.

I pulled my laptop into my lap and logged onto my twitter. 

My lip trembled.

I should be used to the hate. The jealousy. The threats.

But I'm not.

It isn't really an easy thing to just..get used to. 

Especially when the threats and the hate is coming from different girls who have different opinions on what I'm doing wrong.

They forget that I'm a human being too.

I spent an hour too long looking through the hate and occasionally coming across a compliment or a fan.

Memories flooded Into my head as I read hate and thought about it. Memories of my depression and my self harming, and the urge to hurt myself.

After I'd  recovered, I Iooked back on my choices as insane, but I felt the urge coming across me again. I bit my lip.

Don't do it, Mackenzi. Don't do it.

I breathed in just like my therapist had told me to do if I ever had the urge again.

I looked down at my wrists and at my scars. I looked at them as my past and recognized them as that - my past, not my future, just like Justin had told me to do. 

I stood up and it felt as if I wasn't even controlling myself.

I walked up to my bathroom and opened my drawer. My drawer that I hadn't opened since...since last time..

I pulled the blade out and caught my reflection in it, my cheeks stained with tears I hadn't realized had even fell.

I took a deep breath and leaned down, turning on the iPod that we kept in our bathroom.

Make You Feel My Love, Lea Michelle's cover for Cory came on.

I picked the blade back up and angled it toward my skin.

Just as I started to press the blade against my skin I heard a footstep behind me and Justin's arms wrapped around me from behind, talking the blade from my grip and setting it down.

"I'd go crawling down the avenue, to make you feel my love," He whispered and  cradled me in his arms.

I turned around to face him and he brushed his thumb under my eyes, wiping my tears away.

"Baby," He said, his voice soft. "Mackenzi. I know what you deal with is tough, and I really don't know how much you have to go through everyday, but don't give in to this. You're stronger than it all. You're better than it all. You're my baby girl! Whatever they say.." He shook his head, "They're dumb. Jealous of us and what we have together. But I promise I won't let this happen to you again. You deserve so much more. More than the rumors. More than the lies. More than the hate. More than the blade..."

I swallowed hard.

He was right.

I'm better than this.

What.. How did I result to this? I'd been clean for more than a year!

"Shhh, don't beat yourself up," He told me, reading my thoughts. 

"I'm-I'm sorry, so s-sorry.." I looked away.

"Go to the ends of the Earth for you, to make you feel my love." He whispered in my ear. "To make you feel my love,"


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