Imagine: My Prince Charming

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this ones so cute :D idk if you guys will like it as much as me but anyway i hope you do! also -- for my other request (taylor) im working on your imagine & im soooo sorry bbg!  


comment & vote <3  

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*(Y/N)'s POV*  

"Sweetheart.." You mother called from downstairs, "Justin's here..I'm sending him up to your room."  

Crap, why is he here?   

There's a knock at the door.  

"Come in .. " You almost whimper.  

Justin casually strolls in, scratching the back of his neck in that know..that way..  

How can he walk into a room you and him had made so many memories.. {A/N: NOT those kinds of memories}  

"Justin..what are you doing here.." You look away from his eye.  

"You know why I'm here.." He sits on the end of your bed and you curl your knees up closer to you..protecting yourself almost..protecting yourself from him..  

"Look-I don't care about you or 'us' or whatever hurt me  and I had to get over it.. So you do too."  

"I told you I'm sorry.. (Y/N), how many times do I have to say it?" He asks you.  

"Oh so your coming back to me now, huh? Jamie just isn't good enough anymore so you'll come back to me?" You ask him crossly.  

He looks away.  

"Look Justin..whatever happened, happened, but I just can't be at all anymore. I can't trust you -- all you do is cause more hurt. I mean..just having you stand right there right Now.. it kills me.." Then you look away too and by the time you look back Justin's right in front of you, puppy-eyed with a look of guilt.  

"I really don't know what to say (Y/N).. I accused you of thinking only of yourself when's me who thought only about myself.. You were so good to me, (Y/N), I'm sorry I couldn'tve been better to you."  

He looks down and his tear plants itself on your knee. You pull his chin up and without even thinking he caresses your hand, kissing it softly.  

You missed his touch, how sweet he was to you, he was perfect..  

"It was my fault too.." You say.  

"What?" He looks deep into your eyes.  

"I really wasn't a good girlfriend..and I'm sorry for..pushing your buttons and just making you do stuff you didn't wanna do..I'm sorry.." You look away and he dips under you and kisses you gently.   

Instead of talking or trying To argue out of it, you just let it happen..he was your Prince Charming..and everybody fought..   


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