"I Needed To See You.." (Kenia)

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You hear a pounding through the hallway of your apartment building, then a sound that resembles the sound of your front door lock being broken a little too closely.

"Hello?" You call out into the darkness.

Fear fills you up as you wish Justin were here with you. You grab your phone off your bedside table and switch on the light in your bedroom.

You then walk out into the hall and turn on that light. A man dressed in all black clothing emerges and puts his hand over your mouth, choking back your scream. A second man comes into view from his hiding place in your kitchen and he joins the other man.

They steal your tv, laptops, phones, everything tht is valuable. The fear inside you is rising as you don't want them to have Justin's phone number at their disposal.

When they've gotten everything they want from your home then untie your hands. You reach your hand up in an effort to slap either one of them and your stomach is met with a fist. They punch your stomach, mouth, and sides and kick your legs, leaving you lying, crippled on the floor of your apartment, blood tricking from your mouth as well as several other places on your body.

You manage to haul yourself up to your bed and grip your fingers around your home phone. You punch in the familiar numbers of Justin's phone and hear it ring. He answers and you let out a gasp for air and blackout.

- - - - - - -

You manage to open your eyes no more than slit-sized. You see a white-walled room around you, and you can hear beep beeps periodically. The door at the far side of the room opens and clicks shut. A doctor in a long white coat approaches your bed.

Seeing your eyes slightly opened he starts to explain what happened.

"You were violently assaulted by two men as they robbed you and your boyfriends house last night. They broke one of your ribs, your ankle, and fractured your arm. We were notified by your boyfriend because apparently you managed to call him before you blacked Out."

"Is anyone I know here for me?" You ask hopefully.

"Well, your boyfriend has been calling the hospital alot as he cannot fly in. Three times an hour the past two days." As the doctor finishes his sentence Pattie walks in the door, a smile on her face.

"Kenia! Oh my goodness thank god you are okay!Justin is so worried!"

You smile in reply. Even with your few injuries talking seems exhausting.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm okay." You moan out. "Justin.."

"He's still on tour. Very very angry, but on tour. He tried to cancel his shows an re schedule but he couldn't. As the doctor said, he's been calling the hospital like crazy."

"When can he come?" You ask. All you want right now is to see him.

"Uh, well.." Patties says, and you Brace yourself for bad news. "Not for another week."

Your eyes widen and you let out an aggravated breath. "Can I talk to him?" You ask.

"Of course! He just called before I came in!"

She piks up the phone the hospital has placed beside your bed and begins typing in Justin's number. It rings for only a second and he answers.

He never answers that fast, you think, he must really want some good news.

"Hi sweetie!"

"Yes, yes. She just woke up. Yes I know."

"Okay. Okay. Here she is."

Pattie hands you the phone. You hold it up to your hear.

"Justin?" You croak.

"Oh my god! Kenia. I need to be there I'm canceling these shows I'm going there.."

"No. I'm sorry I can't talk that much but I'm strangely exhausted. I don't want you to cancel any shows. Come when you can ill be fine. Dot worry."

You say trying to comfort him. On the other end of the phone you hear him let out a deep breath, and Alfredo yelling for him to get off te phone because there are fans waiting for him.

"Listen justin. Go. Go to your fans I'll be fine."

"No. I'm not going. You mean so much more to me than they do. I'm not leaving until you tell me everything."

"I'm a little tired right now babe. I'll tell you when I can. I'm alright don't worry. Talk to you later."

"Baby! No. Don't hang up I want to talk to you. I've been calling and calling waiting to talk to you for two days. I've barely gotten any sleep."

"I know I know. I'll see you.."

You fall back asleep.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Honey? Honey are you alright?"

Pattie says. There is more concern in her voice than you would've hoped.

"Yes yes I'm fine. Did something happen?"

"Well you passed out while you were talking to Justin yeaterday and I didn't know if you were sick or something. The doctors say it's just fine. You're going to be able to leave today!"

"Awesome." You smile.

Pattie helps you up and it feels nice to walk around. You've gained a lot more energy back. Just then the hospital doors flies open, startling you and leaving Pattie grinning.

"Pattie.." You ask, confused as to who opened the door.

Justin emerges from the hallway and runs up to you. Picking you up, which leads to a small moan from you, he drops you on the bed and kisses you.

"I missed you so much. I should've been there to protect you not half way across te world doing some stupid show. I'm so sorry." You interupt him with another kiss.

" Dont be. its okay, youre here now. Ive missed you so much. Now, how did you get here?" You ask, pulling away from the kiss.

He leans back in for another and you give him a quick peck then raise your eyebrow, as he hasn't answered your question.

*Justins P.O.V.*

I knew she'd be angry when she found out I'd canceled a show, but she asked and since she was in the hospital, I told her.

"I had to uh, cancel a show.." You say, expecting a bad reaction.

"Justin! I told you you didn't need to!" She says, reacting exactly how you thought she would.

"I know baby I know but I needed to see you. You're mine and when someone hurts you.." You start.

"You are the best boyfriend in the entire world you know that?" She asks, trying to lift your spirits.

You give her a smile and pull her into a hug. You stand there in her embrace for a few minutes and you never want to let go.

When she pulls away after a while an sees the dissapointment on your face from the shortened hug she brings you back in for a kiss.

You give her a reassuring smile and lace your fingers between hers before walking out of the hospital.

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