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Taylor's POV

"Why are you so nervous?" I laughed lightly.

"What? No, I'm not nervous," he said.

"Okay... So what's going on?" I asked, looking at him, smiling as I rubbed his shoulder. It was the day after our anniversary, and Adam was acting weirdly.

"I have a question," he said, taking my hand off his shoulder to hold it in his.

"What is it?"

"How would you feel about a short holiday to the Bahamas with me?" He asked, smiling.

"Us, alone?" I asked, my mood immediately lightened up.

"Yeah," he said, kissing the back of my hand,"Alone,"

My smile grew wider, and before I knew it, I was kissing him.

He pulled away, just to say,"I'll take that as a yes."

I grinned, nodding before pressing my lips on his once again, my hands on his broad chest as he wrapped me in his arms.
"Did you pack the sunscreen?" I asked frantically to an extremely tired Adam Wiles.

As anyone would've guessed, we were packing, since our flight was just the next day. Well, it was Adam's fault for not telling me sooner; it was probably because he wanted it to be a surprise, though.

"Yes. I did," he sighed. "Now, can we eat?"

"I swear I have a pig as a boyfriend," muttered sarcastically, making sure he could hear what I just said.

"Aca-scuse me?" Adam asked with fake hurt, quoting a movie we had just watched last night.

"You heard what I said. And yeah, sure; I'm pretty hungry," I replied simply, leading him to the kitchen to make some food.

"Can we order pizza?" Adam asked like a little kid, taking both of my hands and engulfing them with his.

I laughed. "Of course. I want cheese. Lots of cheese," I said thoughtfully, before Adam decided to let go both of my hands to get the house phone.



"This is, uh, Adam,"

"Yeah. A large double cheese pizza, please,"

"Uh huh,"


"Alright, thanks!" Adam said, hanging up.

"They didn't need the address?" I asked.

"No, we've ordered pizza from them way too many times," Adam chuckled. "I can't wait for our beloved pizza," he said, rubbing his belly.

I hit him on the side. "You're supposed to work out,"

"Oh, I promise I will. Just for you," Adam said, whispering the last sentence near my ear seductively, sending shivers down my spine.

"Don't do that to me, Adam. Not now. Save it for the vacation," I said, smiling up at him, reaching up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

To make things easier for me, Adam purposely bent down to meet my height. He kept a firm grip on my waist, probably to avoid his hands from roaming around.

I moaned softly when he swiftly inserted his tongue in my mouth, making me trail down my hands to his clothed toned chest.

A few seconds later, I was already reaching down to pull his t-shirt off, so much for saving it for the trip.

Deciding to go against my own will, instead of taking his clothing off, I traced the lines on his abdomen from under his t-shirt, earning a sigh from him.

To prevent things for going further, I put my hands back on the crook of his neck, the place where they originally were.

Adam moved his thumb in a circular motion, his hands still having the firm grip on my waist, still kissing me.

A few moments later, I felt Adam's hands running up and down the outside of my thigh, before going to the back of my thigh to lift me up.

I felt him sit down, and I sat on his lap.

As we kept on kissing, taking a few breaks throughout the make out session to breathe and then continue it, I started to get turned on by the fact that he had this thing forming between his legs.

By then, my whole body was more sensitive to touch, as when Adam glided his fingers on the skin of my back, I sighed into the kiss.

I ground my hips against his, hearing a deep groan as a reply from him.

I took his top off quickly, so that I am have more access to his body. He did the same to me, unbuttoning my flannel.

"Ahem," I heard Ellie clearing her throat to get out attention. I immediately pried myself off of Adam's lap, which probably forced him to hide the thing in between his legs.

We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even hear anyone come in.

"Nice of you lovebirds to finally notice us," Karlie said sarcastically.

"Uh, yeah," I said, before realizing that my voice was hoarse. I cleared my throat, quickly buttoning my flannel back up as I saw Adam getting his t-shirt.

"I gotta go first, girls. See you in a few minutes," Adam said hurriedly, rushing up the stairs to the bathroom upstairs.

I smirked, looking down so that Karlie and Ellie couldn't see.

Soon after, the pizza arrived, and thankfully, it was enough for the four of us, as Adam had ordered a large one.
"Adam, wake up!" I said cheerfully.

"What time is it?" He groaned.

"It's 6 a.m. and you have to wake up,"

"Are you serious? It's still 6," he moaned.

"Yes, I am serious. And no, it's not still 6, Adam. It's already 6!"

"Ugh," he groaned, stretching his tall frame.

"We have to go!"

"We're gonna be at the airport at 9, okay? Our flight is at 11 for sake!" Adam said.

"Still! I'm excited!" I whined. "And when I'm excited, I can't sleep!"

"Seriously?" He groaned.

"Yes. Seriously," I stated

"Fine. I'm up, I'm up," he said.

"Yay!" I exclaimed happily, doing a double fist bump in the air, kissing him eagerly.

"Greet me like that every morning," he said, referring to the kiss.

"Sounds good to me!" I said, grinning. "Now, get on your feet, big guy, we have to get ready," I said.

"How do you have that much energy in the morning? It's still 6," he said, making emphasis to get his point clear.

"Don't know. I'm excited!"
Hey guys! So I hope you liked this chapter, I'll publish the part two after the next chapter. And yes, I know that oneshot is really crappy, but oh well. I just needed to get my mind off the things that's been bugging me for a while (I'm taking to you, oneshot).

Anyway, do any of you guys mind me making oneshots in the middle of my chapters? Cause if you do I might just make another story consisting of oneshots only (but I don't promise that I'll be updating often when I decide to do that)

But anyways, thanks so much for reading! Oh, and by the way, go read QueenJessa 's stories and be sure to follow, too!

Again, thanks so much for reading!

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