Chapter 28

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Taylor's POV

I told the girls everything. Every single detail. From when we fought after the double date until the fight that had just happened yesterday.

They were all shocked, as it all had been going really well in our relationship. But I guess love just breaks, burns, and ends. What else could I do? It wasn't like I could do anything about it either.

I had thought of this exact day the first time we met. When we would just break up. But I had never thought that our relationship would even survive for a year.

Hold on. Tomorrow was our first year anniversary. Well, would have been our first year anniversary. I didn't even know if we were still together anymore. He hadn't called me since I left, which was pretty unusual for him; he'd always been the worrying type.

We walked to the car in silence. It was never silent whenever we're together, but this problem that Adam and I had had probably shut my friends up, who might be too afraid to say anything that can make me upset.

"So.." I started, the silence wasn't doing much, except for making me feel like the whole day would be boring. "Where are we going?"

"Uh.. the mall?" Karlie asked the others.

"Yeah. We're probably going to the mall. Still don't know, though. Why don't you decide, T?" Cara said.

"Yeah. Sure," I said,"the mall it is,"
"Oh my gosh, that would look so cute on you!" Ellie exclaimed, pointing at a mint green dress, making people turn their heads toward our direction. 

"Great move, Elle," Cara said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. A few moments later, people began minding their own business. Wow. That was definitely a miracle.

"But seriously,  though. You'd have Adam drooling over the sight of you in that dress!" Ellie continued, before being shushed a-little-bit-too harshly by Cara, Karlie, and Selena.the others just remained quiet.

"I have to go," I said, not facing any of them. I turned on my heel and walked out of the mall quickly. On the way out of the mall, I saw a bridal store.

Just great.

I wouldn't lie. It really saddened me that we were basically over. It frustrates me that Adam hadn't even tried to call. I never realized that I had missed Adam. And I had only been away from him for only hours.

"Taylor! I heard someone call out, but I wasn't going to turn back.
I opened the door to my apartment, going inside and throwing my purse across the room.

My apartment was a great choice. Well, except for one thing. There were way too many pictures of Adam and I hung on the wall.

I looked at one of the pictures beside the door frame. Adam had a huge grin on his face and a Mickey Mouse headband on his  head as I kissed his cheek (PICTURES IN FRAMES OF KISSES ON CHEEKS CHEEKS).

I smiled at the memory. We were in Disneyland that time, which explains the headband. I still remember in the actual time the photo was taken; Karlie was messing with my phone, taking thousands of pictures, and that time, Adam made a joke that made me laugh when I wasn't even in the mood to smile. Something had gone wrong, and I was so frustrated because of it, but Adam had somehow cheered me up, hence the kiss.

I sighed as I sat on the couch. Meredith and Olivia were at Adam's I have to take them home tomorrow.

But since I missed my cats (and secretly missed Adam, too), I decided that I should just go there right now.

I got out of the house, taking their travel cages with me, as they wouldn't behave in cars without their cages. Believe me, it's not a pretty sight.

I called my driver to drive me to Adam's as I couldn't drive. Well I actually could, but I hadn't driven in about five years, so I don't think it's safe.

I told Tom (the driver) where we were going, and he immediately nodded.

A few minutes later, I was at my, I guess, ex's house. I rang the doorbell, just to be polite.

Minutes pass by, and Adam hadn't opened the door.

Having a spare key to someone's house wasn't so bad after all. It might come in handy for situations like this.

"Adam?" I called. I was sure that he was home, as his shoes were beside the door and his car was parked in front.

After receiving no answer, I began searching for the cats. Who even cared about where Adam was anyway? I only came here for the cats.

"Mere-Bear, Dibbles?" I said. The cats would usually come to me, but then, they were nowhere in my sight.

A gray fur ball meowed at me.

"Aw, little Roy," I said, petting his fur lovingly. "Where's daddy?"

He meowed once again, before walking up the stairs. He stopped for a second, turning back to face me, and then began walking up the stairs once again. I could tell that he wanted me to follow him.

And so I did.

I followed him up, and found Mere-Bear and Dibbles sitting in front of the bathroom door.

"Dibs?" I called, and the cat's ear only twitched, her body not moving at all. "Okay, seriously. What is going on? Why are you guys waiting in front of the bathroom? Is Adam pooping?" 

Why am I even talking to cats?

"Adam?" I called once again, knocking on the bathroom door.

When I didn't get any reply, I tried to open the door, to check if Adam was actually in the bathroom or not.

The door was locked. "Adam," I said, continuing to knock on the door. No answer. "Adam, seriously. You're scaring me," I said, my heart pounding inside my chest. No answer. "Just talk to me, dammit!" I shouted, banging on the door. "Adam!" No answer.

He wouldn't ignore me, would he?

I kept on knocking and knocking, but he didn't answer. I swear this guy has problems.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, and I surely hope that you guys won't mind me updating many times!

Anyway, what do you guys think happened to Adam? Do you think he wasn't in the bathroom at all? Comment! The one who gets the answer right will be rewarded with a shout out. Go on, flood the whole comment section, I don't mind (no sarcasm at all, I swear)

Thanks for reading!

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