Chapter 29

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Taylor's POV

I knocked on the door once again, my fist hurting from knocking the door too much.

"Adam," I called once again, my heart racing. "Dammit, Adam. Open the door!" I sighed.

I ran to his bedroom, searching for the bathroom key, if there even was one. After a few seconds, I gave up. Adam could be dying, or even dead by now!

Why am I even caring about him?

Putting the thought away temporarily, I searched for a bobby pin instead. Hopefully, it would go just as well as in the movies.

"C'mon, c'mon. I'm sure I left something here..." I murmured to myself, searching through the drawers. "Finally!" I exclaimed in relief, holding the small metal between my fingers.

I rushed to the bathroom, ignoring the meows from the cats, and started trying to get the door to open.

Just a few seconds later, it opened. And you don't even know how happy I was to get it open.

"Oh my God, Adam," I whispered to myself. He lied on the floor, motionless, his eyes closed and his skin pale, with a bottle of painkillers in his hand.

Shit. Don't tell me he took those.

I approached him, bending down to feel his forehead. It was hot. He has a fever?

"Adam," I said, slapping him on the cheek lightly, just to wake him up. "Adam, wake up,"


"Adam," I said, moving his hair from his face gently. "Babe, wake up,"

His eyes started to open, his green orbs looking at my blue ones. "Taylor?"

"Hey. Hi. It's me," I said, sighing in relief. "It's me,"

"Where am I?" He looked around slowly.

"In the bathroom. Why'd you lock the door?"

"Cause-" he paused, looking at the bottle of painkillers in his hand. "I swear, I didn't take those. Well, I almost did, but then I guess I fainted. Why are you here, anyways?" he asked, and I knew that he was really asking about the reason why I was there instead of wanting me to get out.

"Well, I wanted to take the cats home," I said.

"I'm sorry, alright? I really am," he said, propping himself up with his hands.

I just nodded. "You're hot. Are you dizzy or anything?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Of course I am."

"Which one?"

"The hot part," he said, smirking slightly.

"No, I'm serious. You're really burning up."

"Fine. I've been having this headache since you've been gone. And it won't go away, so I was thinking of taking these," he motioned to his hand,"just to ease the pain a little bit."

And then everything went black.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted, clearly frustrated. "Now what? I really need to take care of you and-"

"So we're okay now?" Adam asked, and I could just see his grin.

"Yeah. I guess. You won't even believe how much I've missed you," I said, reaching my hand out. "Come here. Where are you?"

"I'm here,"

"Keep talking,"

"Okay..? Taylor is really pretty and-"

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