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Taylor's POV

"C'mon, Adam! We need to check in the resort and go to the beach and-" Adam shushed my short ramble with a chuckle.

"Chill, babe. We still have like, what, five days?"

"But still! It's not still five days, it's only five days!"

He laughed. "Okay, okay." He said, finally prying his eyes off the map he was holding and following me to the resort.

"Reservations for Wiles, please," I said quickly, impatiently waiting for the receptionist to give us our room card.

"Here you go. We hope you have a nice stay in this resort!" She said cheerfully, handing each of us a card.

"Thanks," Adam and I said in unison, before I got ahold of his hand and pulled him with me to the elevators.

After a few minutes of rushing here and there, trying to figure out where to put our things, we were finally settled. "Alright, now that we're done, go change. We don't have much time," I ordered Adam playfully, pointing toward the bathroom.

He nodded, seeming to understand my rushed tone, going to the bathroom quickly.

I changed into ta yellow and black bikini and put on a bathrobe so that people won't see too much of my skin.
"This is nice," Adam commented, sitting on the beach towel he had laid out, which was where I was laying down.

"It is," I replied, staring into the sea. It was still about 12 pm, making the day bright. The water reflected the sunlight, making the sea seem glittery. It was nice.

We had rented jet skis and a giant water trampoline, which I couldn't wait to jump on later.

"Do you think they'll know?" I asked, breaking the sound of waves crashing into the shore.

"Who? Paparazzi?" Adam asked.


"I don't think so," he said. "But if they do, it won't change anything." He continued, lying down on the beach towel, pulling me closer to him.

"You promise that it won't change anything?" I asked, speaking to the crook of his neck before pressing a kiss on it.

"I promise," he said. I smiled, and pulled his neck so that he was facing me.

"I love you so much," I whispered, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Yeah. Me too," he whispered back, leaning in and kissing me.

"We should do this more often," I said, giggling a little bit as we pulled away.

"We really should," he said, staring off into the sea once again. "You wanna go on the trampoline?" He asked, the famous grin finding its way up to his face.

"Heck yeah," I answered, sitting up. I stood up, helped Adam up, and soon we were swimming to the trampoline.

"Race you there!" Adam said, before diving in.

"You know that I'm never gonna win!" I exclaimed, but soon found myself swimming quickly. You have won this round, competitive side of me.

I opened my eyes while I was in the water to see what's under the sea.

Let's just say that it didn't really go well at all. I saw a stingray (a new fear of mine, I mean, they STING. They sting WITH THEIR TAILS) swimming quite close to the seabed (which was absolutely amazing, as I didn't have my contacts on).

Tayvin/Talvin/Caylor: 'I Love You'sWhere stories live. Discover now