Chapter 30

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Taylor's POV

I stopped in my tracks as soon as Adam said something. "I'm just kidding, love." He chuckled. "Nothing's hurting, everything's fine," he said, smiling.

"God, you almost gave me a heart attack,"

"I know," he replied. "I just wanted to know if you brought your phone or not, that's all," he said.

"My phone... Wait. I didn't bring my phone!" I exclaimed.

"What a coincidence. My phones dead,"

"Great. We won't know when this is gonna turn on," I said, sighing as I sat on the bed.

"Cheer up, love. There are a lot of things to do in the dark,"

"Like what?"

"Hmm... I don't know. I'm pretty tired and sick, so I can't really do anything tiring. Sorry, love,"

I nodded even though he could see me. "You need to rest, Adam. I'll try to find a flashlight,"

"Yeah, okay,"

I went out of the room, my fingers brushing on the wall so that I wouldn't fall or anything.

When I got downstairs probably ten minutes later, I began rummaging through the cupboards in the living room, trying to find a flashlight.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, I finally found one and turned it on. The bright light blinded me slightly, as it had been dark for at least an hour already. The sun had about forty minutes ago, and that sucked.

When I went back upstairs, Adam wasn't in the bed. "Adam?"

As a response, I heard puking noises. Great.

"Aw," I said when I saw him hunched over the toilet bowl, dry heaving. I sat on the floor, rubbed his back trying my best to just wash the pain away, but it didn't work like that.

When he was done, he placed his head on my chest, his body leaning on mine. I ran my hand through this hair repeatedly. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know," he said, whimpering a little bit.

"What hurts?"

"I don't know," he said, shaking his head when I felt something wet on my shirt. He sniffled.

"Are you crying?" I asked, shocked by the fact that he, Adam Richard Wiles, would cry. "It's okay. Let it all out. What hurts?"

"I feel so vulnerable,"

"There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"There is. I'm a guy. I'm not supposed to cry in front of my fiancée," he said, sitting up straight and wiping his tears away.

"Hey, it's okay to cry sometimes, babe," I said, hugging him. "Are you feeling better?"

"I guess so..."

"Let's get you back to bed. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah. Very. I haven't eaten since yesterday,"


"Uh huh,"

"Are you kidding?! You have to eat!" I exclaimed.

"I just couldn't put anything down," he said, shrugging as he sat on the bed.

"We're going to the doctor's when the lights are back. For now, stay here as I get some food," I told him.

"Yes, Mummy," he said, chuckling lightly.
The next day, it was our anniversary, but we didn't go out or anything, as Adam wasn't really in good shape for him to actually go out.

Tayvin/Talvin/Caylor: 'I Love You'sWhere stories live. Discover now