Chapter 27

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Taylor's POV

"Adam, please." I said, hitting the dinner table, making a loud thud in the quiet night.

"Adam, please," Adam repeated my sentence with a mocking tone. "More like, 'Taylor, please.'" He rolled his eyes.

"Adam, you're the one who started this, alright?! I was just giving my honest opinion, but you just completely flipped. You're the one who said that I could tell you my own opinion anyway," I said, careful with the choice of words that I spoke. I didn't want any problems caused by my own words, as there was already a problem big enough in our relationship.

"This is stupid. I started this?! It's clear that you were the one who started screaming at me!" He exclaimed angrily, his hands flinging up and down as I found it a little bit harder to understand his words because his accent would always be thicker whenever he's mad.

"Well at least I had a reason to scream at you!" I shouted back, my eyes fixed on his cold, green ones. They weren't the eyes that I could get lost into. They weren't the eyes that showed how much Adam actually understood me. They weren't the eyes that gave me calmness every time I looked into them.

They were different. I knew that something had changed in our relationship. We had been fighting a lot more than usual, probably even more than we'd ever fought in a whole year in the course of these two days.

"No, you didn't. I just asked if I should post this photo and you screamed at me." He motioned to his phone.

"I did not!"

"Yes, you did. Just admit that you're the wrong one here, alright? What's so hard with that?" he said, and I could see that he was trying to be as calm as he could possibly be.

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. Dammit, emotions. "Look. If this is how we're gonna be when we're married, then I'm done. I'm out of all of this mess," I said, not even caring about the fact that I had a freaking waterfall going on my face.

His face softened. "Taylor..." he said gently, reaching for my hand. "Look-"

"I don't need any explanation except this one. Tell me, Adam. Tell me the truth. Are we going to have stupid fights just because of which photo we should post on our social medias?" I asked, moving away from him as I took my engagement ring off, placing it in his hand. "Cause if so, then I think it's over. We're over."

He froze for a second, looking at the ring in his large hand. A look of shock ran through his face, and tears started pooling in the corner of his eyes. "I promise this won't happen again in the future, alright? Just give me one more chance. Please," he pleaded.

I huffed out an intake of air. "I need some space." I walked out the door.
I knocked on the wooden door of Selena's house, anxiously playing with my fingers as I waited.

"Hey, Tay!" Selena's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hi," I replied.

"What's wrong?" She invited me in.

"I just needed some space. Away from him. Adam,"

"What happened?"

"It's just... we fight way more than we did before, Sel. And I don't want it to happen when we're married," I explained, looking down at my fingers.

"Tay... Listen, every couple fights. Heck, we even fight. It's just a thing that makes you guys stronger. That makes your relationship stronger than before." She rubbed my back comfortingly as I let silent tears fall.

"Can I stay here for a while? I think we both need some space. He must be tired of me screaming in at him," I said, my voice a little bit muffled from the tears as I sniffled.

"Yeah. Of course," she said, smiling. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Water would be nice," I said.

"You sure you don't want anything else?" She walked toward the kitchen.

I woke up to sunlight shining through the blinds. For a second, I was startled that I woke up to different surroundings from my room, but then I realized that I was in Selena's guest room.

"What time is it?" I whispered to myself groggily, rubbing my eyes before putting my glasses on. Yes, I did bring my glasses. Just in case something like a sleepover happens.

I rolled to the other side of the bed, feeling the unfamiliar coldness. To be completely honest, I  actually slept well. It was either because I was too tired or I was relieved that Adam hadn't come and get me.

I walked down the stairs after I had gotten ready for the day, greeted by none other than my friends. Or should I say my whole squad.

"Hey, Tay!" Karlie's cheerful voice rang through the silent kitchen.

"Hey," I said, offering a small smile.

"We're going shopping today; I'm pretty sure you're gonna want to come," Cara said, grinning.

I smiled. A day without thinking about a guy would be nice.

"Let's go!" Martha held my hand, leading all of us out the door.

I heard Ellie whispering things to Selena with a not-too-happy-it's-almost-sad face.

"Hey Ellie!" I greeted her, immediately making her face me with a fake grin on her face. "What's wrong?"

"I just feel really bad," she admitted, looking down. "I thought you two would be perfect together (who knows the song 'perfect together' by Rosanna Pansino? THE LYRICS ARE SO CUTE)," she continued.

"Hey, even thought they're not together right now, it doesn't mean that they're not perfect for each other," Selena whispered, probably thinking that I could hear what she whispered.

"I heard that, Sel," I said. And then I just suddenly felt bad. Seriously though, what on earth is wrong with my emotions these days? They'd probably caused more problems this week than I had in the past couple of years.

"Girls, let's go!" Cara exclaimed happily, completely unaware of what happened.

"She doesn't know?" Ellie asked Selena, her voice laced with shock.

"Uh... Yeah. Not really. The only ones who know are you and me, aside from Taylor," Selena replied. "They would probably ask you why Adam isn't coming," she said to me. 

I guess I have a lot of explaining to do.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Boring, I know. I really don't know what to write anymore. I mean, I know what I'll write in the next chapter, but I don't know what to write before the actual wedding (if they're even getting married in this story). So, yeah.

Anyway, if any of you guys have an idea or a request you want me to do/add in this story, comment!

Thanks for reading!

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